Chapter 2: Visiting Teddy

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(Teddy's POV)

Niall,Jessie and I walked to the "bathroom". I can't stand Jade not just me but the others hate her as well.  

"I miss the old out there flirty Harry"said Jessie 

"Excuse me ? you know I'm standing right here RIGHT?"Niall said  

"Of course I know I just said it like that that's all" 

"You are so cute when you get all jealous " I said pinching his cheeks and we all burst out laughing.

"Even though I'm offended deeply I still agree with you I miss the old Harry and I can't sand when Jade comes around steels Harry from us" complained Niall. 

"I agree"me and Jessie said in unison. "I miss Harry and our normal conversation which doesn't involve Jade in it. I miss him I miss my best.." 

"What are you guys talking about" I was interrupted by Harry.

"Oh nothing we were just talking"I said trying to cover what we were saying."ooookayyy anyway let's go to your house"  

"So Teddy what kind of help do you and your mom want "said Harry .

" We are redecorating the house so I would like if you could help us move things"  

"I'm in the mood of decorating can we come as well" questioned Jessie. 

"Sure I mean my mom would love to have more hands its not like she is gonna do any thing she is going to be the bossy old Amy" I said shaking my head.

Teddy's house. Harry's POV

We were now at Teddy's house and as we walked through the door Charlie came running into my arms calling "Hawwy".I tell you she looks just like how Teddy use to look when she was small. Right then Amy Teddy's mom came from the kitchen. 

"Oh look who we have here are you guys here to help Teddy with redecorating" 

"Yeah we are lets get started" Niall said turning his head to Teddy.

"Do you guys want some home made pancakes?"when that question left her mouth all of our eyes popped out of our socket. 

"Amy these kids still have their whole life ahead of them please don't kill them with the so called pancakes" said Teddy's dad Bob.  

"Hey don't say that about my pancakes just have a look Ba Bam" she said shoving the plate in our face. 

"Mom if we start now we'll finish so bye" we all went down to the basement where her room is.

We went and started moving things from the room.Thats when Teddy's mom gave us an album. I opened it and saw Teddy's and me and Niall's baby pictures and I couldn't stop laughing at one of her picture and I said to her "you look really cute in diapers" and I burst out laughing

She looked to me and said "from where did you dig that out" I replied I didn't dig it out your mom gave it to me. The next thing I know i heard the loudest roar ever "MOM WHAT PART OF STAY AWAY FROM MY STUFFS DO YOU NOT UNDERSTAND"

Don't you know your mother she never stays away"Amy replied

As much as I was loving this I told them stop it. "Look you guys just woke up Toby look he is crying  

"Oh that's not sleep crying that's warning to let us know its diaper change time so who wants to do it?"she asked us with evil look all over her face.

The next thing I saw was Teddy pushing her out the door and we all started laughing. After that we all started cleaning and when we were finished it was night time and teddy's mom came in and said "it's late now so why don't you guys stay over" . My reply was a yes and the others said yes as well.

Amy says "so I will make dinner for u guys" she walks out of the room. Niall says "ohhhh is it too late to order in pizza". 

"Heard that Niall "Amy replied.  

Niall said "so you guys sleep on the couch and the floor while I sleep on the bed thank you very much".We all replied with a BIG NO!!

"What's the plan now who's sleeping where"I asked very tired after all the work."Me and Jessie are going to be sleeping on the bed, one of you guys take the couch and the other one take the floor beside our bed" Teddy said. Niall's reply was "dips on the couch" and I said "so I guess the floor is for me".

I said "guys I will be right back need to use the bathroom". Everyone said ok and nodded their heads. I left the room to go to the bathroom.

Teddy's POV

While Harry left to go to the bathroom his phone beeped as it got a message. We looked at the phone and it flashed Jade. 

We decided to read the message and it said : 

"I miss u harry I was so bored without u in cheerleading still I luv u babe so what r u doing at teddy's house?i feel like she likes u and she's stealing u away from me anyways miss u honey boo boo."

When I saw the message I couldn't believe my eyes."I don't like him he is my best friend and best friends spend time with each other but that doesn't mean like him"I shouted. Jessie said "leave it just ignore her who cares we don't care about her we just care about harry".  

"Guys so commencing mission Harry break up with Jade". Me and Jessie said NO!!!in unison "Niall where you even listening to Jessie when she said we care about Harry."I questioned.

"Ok I give up I love Harry too much to do that to him he loves Jade more than anything right now so let's just try to be happy for him" said Niall. 

"Or what do you guys think about her disappearing in a mysterious accident what do you say? " Jessie said with an evil smirk on her face.  

As much as I liked that idea I know the cops would be looking at us first. 

"You know Jessie you are turning into Niall each day" they both looked at each other and gave each other a kiss and before they could go into a full on make out session Harry walked in. I threw his phone on to the couch after deleting the message.I know this is gonna back fire but ahhh well .

Comment plz and if any kind of suggestion do let me know and you can suggest ideas for future chapters and i'll try and use it even characters so thanks!!!!!!!!!

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