Chapter 3 : What's up with Teddy?

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At school the next day

Harry's POV

"So another boring day at school" I said as me, Niall, Jessie and Teddy walked to our class. Niall sits obviously beside Jessie. I sit beside Teddy, and Jade sits in front of me and Teddy

Well as usual the best time in school is break time and well its break time.We all sat together me Niall Jessie and Teddy. While we were talking Jade came and sat beside me and said"I texted you yesterday. but you didn't text me back I thought you loved me I missed you and I care about you but it looks like I'm not as important as Teddy". 

"I didn't get any text message and what are you talking about I love you and I love my friends as well"I replied clearly getting irritated by her statement.

"What do you mean you didn't get a message I clearly send you one yesterday night see" she said shoving her phone in my face . She was right she did sent me a message. I showed her my phone and she saw that there was no message from her. she said "you must have deleted it then or someone else might have" looking at teddy. I told her I haven't deleted it and NO ONE has either!"whatever Harry" she replied and walked away.

Teddy said she has to go with the weirdest look on her face and she walked away as well.

Teddy's POV

As I walked towards the bathroom I saw Jade talking about Harry. "Harry!! ha he thinks he can fool me I know he didn't delete my message and I'm pretty sure the nut jobs with him deleted it." 

"But I think i'm gonna milk this further.Anyway I've to go and meet Kevin and his peeps come on girls lets go" and she left with her friends.

I can't believe she would say that about Harry. I don't mind her calling us a nut job but please  

Harry didn't do a thing and she is going to take advantage of his love for her. I knew by deleting the message it would get me in trouble but why Harry he is the sweetest guy ever and she is not worth him! I am not going to tell Harry about what Jade said as it would kill him. I am not going to let her take advantage of Harry even if it kills me.

Niall's PVO

After Teddy left a blanket of awkwardness fell over us and as the "FUNNY ONE" I had to step in and break the silence. "Jessie don't you think we should get to class?" 

"What? Class doesn't start for another 15 minutes" she said with a confused look. 

I shot her a glare and she understood exactly what was going on. 

"Oh right right we need to get ready for next class see you Harry" .She said grabbing hand and dragging me out of the canteen. 

" Jessie do think Teddy deleted the message at least she could have told us if she did. Do you think she likes him?

"Well I don't think she does like him because she always says a BIG no when we ask her and sometimes it looks like she likes him but no I don't think she does like him but its still wrong that she deleted the message oh well we will deal with it when it's time for now all you need to know is I love you sooooo much Niall" she said " I love you too now let's go" I held her hand and shouted to Harry "we are going to our next class we will see you later Harold and Ireland rocks".

Harry'a POV

I walked to my next class as everyone decided to DITCH me. I went to the class and I saw Jade and I decided to sit beside her . 

"Hey Jade I hope you aren't mad if you are then i'am really really sorry I love you so please forgive me"

"No I won't forgive you because there is nothing to be mad about and I will text you tonight and you better reply or else" "ok ok geez I will reply are you happy now"I said. "Whatever Harry" Jade replied.

After that interesting chat with Jade, I went and sat beside Teddy.Jade didn't seem thrilled about that but I brushed it off.  

"Oh Harry I thought you would beside Jade since in this class we can sit where ever we want, so go sit beside Jade" Teddy said without even looking at me. 

" I always sit beside you Teddy. What's wrong with you these days you just seem like you don't want to be my friend anymore and anyway Kevin always sits beside Jade for some reason".

"No no Harry you got it all wrong I wanna be your friend I AM YOUR BEST FRIEND I just need to tell you something about jad... I mean I need to tell you that I will always want to be your friend no matter what" she said. "In that case can I sit beside you Teddy?"

we sat beside each other and we talked and talked through the whole class and it was really fun we laughed so loud that the teacher almost saw us throwing paper at Niall. That was the end of school and I walked home but forgot my phone in the gym while I was at football training.

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