Chapter 7: Best Friend?

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Liam's POV.

We were still at the party. Louis and Zayn are pretty much sloshed while I had few drinks and Teddy just drank a coke that she refused to put down and let anyone else buy. I can see where she's coming from, I mean it's her first party and all the parties she has seen is the ones in the movies and they're quite scary.
"Hey Teddy they're wasted so this is where I come in and bring them home so do you wanna help me carry one of them?" I asked her batting my eyelashes. "Awwww how can I say no to that. I'll take Zayn" with that she put Zayn's arm around her shoulder and she put her hand on his waist. I did the same with Louis. "Hey (hiccup)Li you smell really nice and (hiccup) you have really nice eyes" Louis said feeling my face and I looked at him and gave him a smile and said a thank you and I place him in the back seat of the car an Teddy did the same with Zayn.
"Hey I know you came with Zayn and as you can see he wound be driving so if you want I can drop you home " I offered. " Hummmm. A beautiful girl like me alone with 2 boys out of 3 who are drunk and I know for about 3hrs. What do you think?" she asked me with a serious look on her face. "I understand. Well I'll see you around" I said about to turn when she started laughing. "What?" "Nothing of course I'd like a lift" she said and I smiled as well.

Teddy's POV.

I got in the car with Liam and closed the door. We talked and talked and he told me how he met Zayn and Louis and how they became BFFs and I told him about me and my friends. "The third house on the right is mine" I pointed it out. He slowly pulled up I front of my house and I got out and shut the door while he pulled down the glass. I placed my hand on the window and leaned in towards the car. "Hey tanks for the lift and tell Zayn and Louis I had a great time today" with that Liam and I did a handshake fist bump and I moved away from the car with a smile and watched the car slowly disappear. I smiled shaking my head and walked in. I saw PJ watching tv with Charlie and yes they were watching gurgles. I don't even want to know why so I walked into my room and texted Niall to let him know that I've got home.

I threw my phone on to the bed along with myself and I lied there looking up at the ceiling. Everything that happened from morning till this very moment was going through my head. One face was standing out more than the others and that was Harry's. I hate how all he ever sees us that Taylor and no one else. He has known me longer than her and he still stands by her, he didn't even come and say a hi or even wave at me. I stayed in bed thinking and thinking and I didn't realise when I fell asleep.


"Hey Teddy I'm sooooo sorry about yesterday. I shouldn't have got that drunk but thank god for Liam being sober or what would've happened to you?" Zayn said walking up to me at my locker. "Woah calm down Z it's ok. I had a great time yesterday talking to all of you guys. Btw where are the other two?" I questioned and I got the answer straight away "We're here" I heard Louis say. "Hey" with that I reached in to hug all three of them. "So how was your first ever party feel like?" Lou asked while closing my locker for me as I picked up my bag. "It wasn't as bad as thought it would be I mean I made three new friends." I flashed a smile towards them and they did the same towards me and we all walked into the class together.

Niall and Jess were already sitting in our usual seats and as a everyday reflect I waved at them which they returned with a smile. "Hey Teddy sit with us I'll introduce to some of our friends" Lou spoke up once again. "Ummmm I...." I shuttered I can't leave my friends and just sit with the popular guys but I can't hurt Louis' feeling either. "Hey it's ok you probably want to sit with you friends that's ok" it was Zayn's turn to speak now and the Liam took over and said "yeah it's ok we'll introduce them to you some other time. Don't worry go sit with your friends, we really won't mind". That made a my heart swell. I know them for barely a day and they already get me soooo much. "Thanks guys I'll talk to you later" with that I gave each of them a hug and ran towards Ni and Jess.

"Doesn't someone look extremely happy. What happened yesterday?" Jess asked with a very weird look on her face. "Well nothing much I went to the party with Zayn and then he introduced Liam and Louis to me and the four of had a great time till both Louis and Zayn got drunk and Liam drove us home. That's all that happened" I said but what I didn't realise was half way through the story Harry had also joined us. "Oh hey Hazza. I didn't see you there. Well done for yesterday I'm sorry I didn't text I kinda ran out of credit " I said taking a seat beside him. "Well you wouldn't have had to text me if you just walked two more feet towards me after the game yesterday" he spat out and turned the other way.

Unbelievable. Just freaking unbelievable is what this is. He doesn't get to be mad at me. "Excuse me but you don't get to be mad at me. Even though Zayn invited me, initially I was there for you but you had no time to at least wave back to your poor old friends but somehow you have time for that so called "girlfriend" of yours and Zayn a complete stranger showed me more kindness than my so called "best friend" I spitted back. "BEST FRIEND? You call us best friends and you weren't there to support me and please don't blame this on Jade. She bothered to come down to me so I had time for her and I know you for some crazy reason hates her but that doesn't give you the right to blame her" he said turning towards me with pure anger in his eyes. Jade has been a better friend to me than you have for the past few days even weeks" that statement drew the line I felt like just crying I could feel a pang of pain in my heart. I had my hand in a fist and my teeth were on top of each other with so much pressure to prevent myself from crying. I took a deep breath and started "I don't want to make a scene here with you Harry so lets just stop" with that I turned the other way. I felt a hand on my shoulder and it was Ni's. I looked towards him and he gave me a smile that has always managed to cheer me up and I smiled back and looked at everyone else in the class. They all seemed so busy and happy in their own world. I eyes landed on three pairs that was looking right back at me. It was Zayn Liam and Louis. I gave them a week smile which they returned as well and then they turned around. I slowly wiped my eye and focused on the teacher. I can't let Harry ruin my day.


So Harry is such a blind man. God Hazza wake up.

Soooo sorry I haven't updated in like months. I'll try and update more often now that it's summer.
Let me know what you guys think through comments.



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