Chapter 6

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I watched from the audience, I kept a close eye on Anita and Edward before something caught my brain off guard..."I have to move...away from everyone." I felt my eyes water but the mistress wanted me to watch Anita and Edward. "Ted what kind of cover name is that?" I mumbled as I seen Cesar playing around with  the audience. I rolled my eyes a bit before he went to Anita and rose her to her feet; she was trying to undo his earings before I could even get up he already started helping her. I was tapped on the shoulder by Craig. "So when do you have to leave?" I shrugged. "When Anita goes home I guess." I said quietly watching. "Sara, what do you mean? You have to leave us all behind." I sighed looking down, "Yes i'm sorry." I mumbled as he walked away from me. 'They hate me.' I thought looking up they already half transformed. I growled and got mad; people are distracting me so I can't do what I am supposed to do. I sighed, I seen them drag a priest off the stage. I was surprised, what happened...FUCK! I seen  the priest raised his hand  and everyone started cheering, I forgot how much this place creeps me out. I hugged myself before continuing to watch, they threw the guy that was on the alter off making me cringe. The crowed was roaring I couldn't take it, I wanted to throw up; but I knew what I was getting into. I served the master and now the other master I was about to serve. I seen the bouncers going to the guy. "the master wants you backstage." I heard Cesar say softly. I nodded going backstage, when I got back there the Mistress smiled at me, "You know Anita yes?" "Not really Mistress just the guy working with her. The one who brought her here." She nodded, "Alright go home." I nodded. When I was leaving I felt something bad was going to happen, You let her feed on you remember that Sara you wanted this. I thought. I sighed to myself getting into my car my friends....friends... I looked at my window to see a note.

-My Lovely Sara,

I'm so sorry she is making you do this we just need time to adjust.

Just give us a little time we love you.

'Craig and the gang-

I didn't want to go home, so I went to the other house...Edwards house. Where all of the people doing the investigations have been. I parked the car when I got there I didn't have clothes at this house but in my car. I knew no one was home because they were all at the club. I grabbed my clothes and changed quickly. I seen the couch and curled into a ball. I lifted my shirt to see all the bite marks. 'My future and my past. I will not get out of it I won't bring myself to get out I loved serving the Mistress but now she is passing me off to another master. I got up and got back into my car grabbing my keys on the way. I drove to the club and heard, "My starved ones are useful from time to time." 'No she can't!!!' I thought. I seen Diego and hid further into the shadows; he went down the stairs as I got closer though I had missed part of what they were talking about. "Why do you insist on rusfusing this honor, Diego? Why Do you make us punish you?" I put my hand over my mouth trying not to cry. "I am not a lover of men, my dark goddess, and I will not do this. I am sorry that my refusal pains you, but this one thing I will not do." I felt tears rolling down my eyes. Diego was and is always sweet on me. my blood is unique and "special" he always told me that. I had seen the silver and I couldn't watch any longer I got up slowly and headed up the stairs. I seen Bernardo see me but I didn't care. I went to my car and started crying. I am not going to wait around any longer.

I went to the house where Edward and Anita with his friends are staying; when I got there I crawled on the couch again and traced the bite mark of Diego. I started sobbing till I fell asleep. I was woken by the door opening; I groaned and snuggled back into the couch. "Anita will you get me a pillow and a blanket." "Yeah, I will." I heard softly. He came close to me as I mumbled, "Diego." he sighed softly. "He will be okay I promise." I nodded I lifted my head putting down, "Just sleep alright?" I nodded as I felt warm. I woke around 9ish to the smell of bacon, "Mmm food." I mumbled, "I called you in at school and they said something about you graduating already." Edward said as I looked at my hands. "The Mistress is giving me to the Master of ...oh what city was he the master of again....All I know is when Anita goes home I am to go with her. She said there will be a guy waiting for me." he froze and looked at me. "You are 18 Sara you have everything ahead of you." "You don't understand do you?" I asked as everyone froze. "I will wait till Anita wakes to explain. Did mom drop any clothes off for me?" He nodded at me, "Your mom is surprised that they let you graduate with a sighed Diploma." I shook my head. "Mom always said I would be a drop out." I said as his jaw dropped. I headed to the bathroom, I dyed my hair Lavender before I even thought about showering, I washed the dye out when I showered and got dressed in 1970s Ossie Clark Black Peplum Satin Evening Blouse, LOVEsick White Rose Tights, Gabrielle Hallowe'en Appliqu Skater Skirts With Pockets, Millie Lace Fuchsia Boots. I brushed my now purple hair, and put my white beanie on. I got out and seen everyone look at me. "Explain Anita is up." I nodded, "Do you guys understand a relationship between a master and a human? I made a deal with her, she controls me and what I do daring the night I let her pets feed on me. Though they are all mostly my friends including Diego. I have a rare blood type it helped Diego well helps..." Anita looked at me, "So what is the confusion?" "Ask Edward." I said as I undid some of the buttons. I showed my stomach and rib area. "This is my promise to her." I said as they all looked at me shocked. "I have to go. I need to see if Diego is alright." I mumbled as Anita grabbed my arm.

"Are you really coming home with me?" I nodded as I pulled my arm from her and walked out the door.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 11, 2015 ⏰

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