netflix and chill

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Troye sat on the couch, as I stood in the kitchen, leaning over the counter, ordering pizza. He's scrolling through Netflix, trying to choose a movie to watch. I finish, and head back to the livingroom.

Sitting down close to Troye, he turns himself to face me, and asks, "Comedy or documentary?"

"It's been pretty morbid recently, let's just watch a comedy."

He nods, turns back to the tv, and starts to play White Chicks. Troye grabs the blankets and pillows from behind him, and we make eye contact.

"Fort?" He asks.

"Fort." I nod.

We laugh, but pick up all the blankets, pillows and cushions we could find laying around. I set down our thickest blanket, layer a few more on, while Troye sets up the cushions into the shape of a fort. Perfectly timed, the doorbell rings just as we finish.

"Got it." I say, already heading to the front door. I pay for the pizza, turn back, and see that he has lit numerous candles on all of the tables, carefully making sure they aren't near flammable fabric.

I pout, awhing at the sight. Troye takes the pizza from my hands, and gives me a kiss on my forehead as I just stand there. A smile lights up my face, and I head to the kitchen to pour drinks.

After we get all settled, pizza, pop and blankets, I sit close to Troye, and lean back on the couch. The movie starts, and so does our little "netflix and chill" date. All of a sudden, about halfway through the movie, the lights in the kitchen flicker off, and the tv turns black. Off in the distance, thunder rumbles, and we hear rain starting to heavily hit the ground.

I turn to Troye, with a confused look on my face, saying, "I don't remember anyone saying there was to be a storm tonight."

He nods, "Same here. Weird. But anyways, does this mean more cuddling?"

I chuckle, then wink at him and just reach my arms out towards him, taking him into my embrace. "Yes you dork, of course."

He looks up at me, and his smile lights up my world, as if the power was never out. We sit there, staring at each other, not even caring about the silence, for it wasn't awkward at all. No, it was pure bliss.

His beautiful blue eyes stare into mine, and for a while I get lost, swimming in the warm blue sea that exists in the eyes of my true love. I relish in the thought of how happy he makes me, how I feel so comfortable with him, how I can tell him anything, at any time. I'm so lucky to have someone even close to him.

A warm hand slightly touching the side of my jaw pulls me back into reality, as I fall into Troye, wrapping my arms around his torso and squeezing so tight there's no way I can ever let go.

"Con-Connor, I can't breathe." He gasps, and I quickly loosen my grip.

"Oops, sorry love." I respond, whispering.

"You're fine sweets, why so happy all of the sudden?" He asks sincerely.

I laugh, and sit up to where our faces are only a few centimeters apart, and simply respond with, "Because I have you," before cupping his face and slowly kissing him.

aaaaaaand that's where i'm going to stop it. so yeah, hello. i'm not sure why but i can only really write during winter months?? like, what? anyways, hello again. this is a thing. i wrote it today, after a weird boost of motivation to write something.
hope you like it, don't forget to vote, and keep on reading! j know it's hard when i don't write for more than what, 6 months? but i hope you guys had/have a wonderful day, and i'll see you (hopefully) soon.

- syd

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