meeting for the first time

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A/N~ so this is dedicated to someone special and i just wanted to say that for this particular oneshot it won't end in them getting together, or liking each other, just, wait.

kk ily all, enjoy!

It's been a year since we first talked. When I first saw that an adorable, blue-eyed boy dmed me. From those first words we exchanged, we went spiraling through a wonderful bliss. Quickly we started texting, more slowly at first, then for hours at a time. He woke up before I did, being way ahead of me, always saying good morning. I was always the one to say good night, and it just worked that way. It sucked, not only being across the world from each other, but being in completely different time zones. We barely had time to talk, but luckily for us (not so good for our health) we were night owls, staying up late. We shared every moment of our days with each other, how we were feeling, how we were doing.

After a while, we started to plan us meeting. It was to be the summer after school ended, and in Minnesota, as he wanted to go somewhere warm to escape the "cold" weather in Perth. Every day I would wake up and remember that in a small amount of time, we would finally meet. We would finally be able to hug each other, see each other in person. These months of waiting and waiting had started to eat me up from inside, and yet all I had to do was text him, and I'd be brought back to reality. His words gave me a sense of security, warmth, and made me happy. We'd facetime, and laugh at stupid things, like something his mom said, or how sassy I could act.

Most would look at us, and just be confused. They'd ask, why? And how? They would doubt us, tell us it's only possible to know someone so well while talking face to face. How you're not real, you're fake, you're someone else. Yet we ignore them, because we know it's not true.

Today is the day, the day you arrive at the airport, the day we meet, the day I'm finally happy again.

I check the mirror once again to make sure my hair is good, I have no new blemishes, and I don't look like I got no sleep last night. (Because I didn't) I straighten my jeans, make sure I have everything I need, and head towards the airport.

It's a long drive to the airport, because I have to go from my small little home town, all the way to Minneapolis. It's worth it. I tell myself, barely keeping from exploding because of my excitement and nerves.

Finally, I'm there. I park, grab my coffee I got on the way, and start to head inside. I text him asking if he has landed, and luckily he responds, "yeah just now. walking off. SO EXCITED!!!" so I know I have time to make a plan.

So I have it, I am going to text him back, saying I am running a little late because of traffic, or something similar. Then, I will hide behind the wall near where we said we'd meet, and surprise him as he turns the corner.

I wait a couple of minutes, my anxiety and excitement growing quickly. After about 15 minutes of waiting, I feel a light tap on my back, and turn to see someone also leaning against the wall, although only a few inches from me. I jump backwards, before realizing who it is.

It is Troye.

I quickly hug him, squeezing so hard I am sure he can't breathe, yet he does the same back. I finally feel at peace, and even though I am crying, it is because I am the happiest I've ever been. With Troye, about to spend the next few weeks in fucking paradise.

We don't let go until people start to stare at us, in which we both agree to head outside. As we are walking, he turns to me, points at my coffee, and says simply, "I bet my mom ten bucks you'd have a coffee."

I glare at him, smiling, but keep walking anyways. "Do you want to go to the Mall of America first, or drop our stuff off at the hotel and take a quick nap?"

"I slept on the plane, so I'm not tired. You?"

"As you have so kindly pointed out, I have had a coffee, or two, already." I smirk, before grabbing my keys and unlocking my car. I open the trunk, place his bags in the back, and sit in the driver's seat.

"I'm too excited and amped up on adrenaline to take a nap." He says, smiling brightly.

I smile back, then turn on the engine. "Me too."

As we drive off, I think of how lucky I am to have Troye in my life, and to have met him. I quickly glance over to him, and see him still smiling. I turn back, my heart flooding with happiness.

A/N: oops shorter than I thought but whatever, enjoy!

don't forget to vote, leave a comment, send in a prompt, and check out my other works!

love you, syd

(edit: i was too lazy to edit this, sorry)

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