08 || ...Ten Sharp...

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"I love you," I whisper into Soda's ear even though I know I won't get a response, I haven't in days. "I'm gonna go to bed if you wake up and need me, just wake me up."

I hear the door open and close behind whoever walked in, "still waiting for that hello hug Lace..."

I turn around to see Dally for the first time since I've gotten back, "I'll give it to you later. Right now I'm going to sleep."

He sighs as he sits next to me, "Lacey, you can't just keep living here in the hospital. You can't keep eating this shitty hospital food. You have to come home. You need more sleep. Lace, I know this is hard for you, but your dad's sick too and every moment you spend here, you're missing with your dad. Soda's gonna wake up believe me."

"If it wasn't for that stupid fight," I mumble.

"What fight?" He asks.

A tear or two finds a way to slip out of my eye, "we got into a fight before he left. It was about being official. We've said we love each other, but putting a label on it, completely changes it. I think he's afraid, but I was so pissed."

Dally sighs as he pulls me into a hug, "I really hate when people make me soft, you know that Lace?"

I roll my eyes as I push him off me, "then don't be soft! Be a dick like I know you want to be and stop! I'm not broken glass! I am a human! Yes this last year sucked ass, but seriously no! Fuck you! I don't need any of this!"

"Fine than I just won't help you," he scoffs.

"I don't need your help Dallas!" I scream at him loudly. "I am tired of everybody trying to help me! Stepping around me! Pulling the whole 'I just wanted to help' shit. I don't need help! I need to stop loosing the people I care most about. This last year I met a great girl named Bella. We were best friend right off the bat. Everything was perfect then she replaced me because, I'm replaceable! Even the gang replaced me. I am tired of getting replaced! I am tired of getting left behind or loosing people I love! I am tired of getting hurt!"

Dally flips me off, "nobody replaced you! You're a bitch! We are all broken!"

"Fuck you Dallas Winston!" I scream down the hallway as he storms away.

I sit down in the chair tears streaming down my face. This is all my fault. I just wanted to be official because, I'm in love with Soda. I don't only love him the way I love Dally or Pony, I'm in love with him. I want to spend every day of my life with him and the thought of loosing him, is just heart breaking. I can't loose him because, without him, I don't know what I'd do. I slowly dose off into a restless sleep.
"Lacey?" I hear a soft voice.

I wake up swiftly shooting up asking, "Sodapop?"

"No, it's just me," Darry sighs as he sits next to me. "Are you okay kid? You've been scaring me lately. You've been on edge, jumpy, shaky, and you're always shivering, but it's eighty degrees in this room. Lacey, what happened when you were away?"

"Here's to loosing the people who mean the fucking most to you! Here's to a fucked up life and getting messed up!" I shout before sticking the long needle into my already bruised arm. I feel the drugs pumping through my body and there's an immediate relief.

"Lacey?" Brian walks over to me grabbing my waist. I giggle as he pulls me close to him making me almost fall. "How much have you had?"

I shrug giggling slightly, "I'd tell you, but I don't know."

He grabs my hand pulling me onto a couch, "Lacey, come sit."

"If you don't stop spinning me around, I'm gonna puke," I slur. "Why are we running? I can't run, I'm in heels."

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