chapter ten

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Chapter ten 


"pretty girls lie too"


♡ Cola Maybel 

I sat up groggily, stand and walk slowly to my bedroom door, pulling it open.

"What?" Ash stood there in the half-light of the hall.

"We have to go." He looked even grumpier than normal.


"You don't need to know. Get your stuff."

I scowled, thinking this probably means, 'you're not allowed to know'.

 Whatever. I've decided I don't care about things that has anything to do with the gang anymore.

"What do I need to bring?"

Ash gave me a withering look. "Not much."

Wow, so helpful aren't you?

I shut the door, turn on the light and scan the floor, searching for my small black backpack which I bought ages ago when I was interested in the whole 'in fashion' thing. I pick up a track suit off the floor and stuff it in, along with make up necessities, things for an overnight stay, my book and of course my mums locket, the only thing I still have to remember her by, and I take it every where with me. I snapped the catch shut, then change into black skinny jeans and hoody, along with fur boots. 

Honestly I couldn't care less about what I look like, or what Lexi will say when she sees what I'm wearing. I lightly cover my face with concealer to hide the bruises left over from the fight, not bothering with mascara or liner. What was the point?

I swing my bag onto one shoulder, raking my fingers through my hair as I head downstairs, only just  remembering that I've forgotten a brush, but I really can't be bothered to go back and try and find it in all the mess that litters my floor. I washed it last night and it's still slightly wet.

Ash, Jay, Jax and Conner are already there when I walk into the hall, talking quietly.

"Where's Lexi?" I say, leaning against the wall. I'm kind of hoping she isn't going to come, but I'm pretty sure she is.

"Getting ready." Jay looks at what I've brought. "Is that it?"

"Yes." I say, and I want to ask again where we are going, but don't.

I wait silently for about ten more minutes, not really listening to their conversation. I wonder what the time is. Judging by the way the small piece of sky I can see through the window is still quite dark, I'm guessing early.

Lexi rushes in then, lugging a suitcase so big I'm surprised she can carry it, and I almost snort with laughter, but suppress it quickly. She's wearing so much makeup her face looks almost doll-like, her hair straightened severely to perfection. She's got on the shortest mini skirt I've ever seen, and a tiny floral pink crop top.

"Finally." Jax mutters, then turns around, see's her bag and gives her a dumbfounded look. "There's no way you need all that. We're going for four days at the most."

i hear a snort and glance over at Conner who, unlike me, isn't bothering to hide his laughter.

"But I need it!" Lexi wails looking stricken, and this time I can't suppress my laugh.

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