Chapter 3.

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As soon as that camotion had ended, he yanked my arm and dragged me inside the house. When, we finally got indoors he finally let go, and looked at me scary as fuck. One thing in my life, I would never want to do is piss my dad off.

'' This is some bullshit. I come home from work, to see you with the towns most known drug dealer. '' He yelled.

'' I didn't know. I told him, to leave me alone but he didn't '' I semi-cried.

Of course he wouldn't believe me. Then he smacked me across my face. I held my face since it stung so bad. He started smacking me all over my body other then my stomach. Only smacking and slapping but not punching.

'' Me & your mom gon be back tommorrow, when I come home yo ass BETTER be fucking home. Or that's the end for you. '' He said dissapeared the front door.

I silently cried, and wiped my tears away. I decided a walk would ease my pain. I grabbed my bag and put some snacks in there and started walking towards the park.
When was walking, I got tired and decided to take a rest, so I sat in the closest bench. I took my phone out and turn on some music, and looked back into the sky,

I seen a tall shadow appear in my face blocking my view. Scaring the hell out of me. When i lowered my head a little bit, I finally see who it is. It's that guy again.

Why the hell do I keep constantly seeing this nigga? I looked up at him, scared as he smirked.

'' I never got your name. '' He said.

'' I said, it was Mia. ''

'' Oh, mines Cameron. ''

'' Oh, cameron. Can, you please leave me alone ?! It's not safe for me to tell you. ''

'' Why the hell you always running away from me and shit? What the fuck have I ever done? ''

'' You haven't done shit to be exact. I just don't want to be around you. '' I said as I got up and started speed walking.

'' Stop fucking running man, it looks stupid as fuck for me to be running after a bitch. '' I stopped in my tracks and turned around at this nigga. Was he serious? He wants me to talk to him, but all of a sudden i'm a bitch.

'' Well, then stop fucking running then. You look like a fucking lost puppy. '' I said as i started walking over to the swings.

I thought I was a alone for a couple mins, but was I wrong. As, I was swinging on the swings, i seen his figure appear by the pole of the swings leaning on it just smiling at me. Those pearly teeth, that anygirl would die to have. That perfect carmel skin tone that he had. Those perfect juicely lips that, i just wanna run over there and kiss. 

'' Look, iight I'm sorry I didn't mean for shit to come out like that. ''

I just ignored him and kept swinging, but to high, but not to low to where i'll touch the ground.

'' You just gon ignore me? ''

My stomach started to growl, so i put my feet on the grown and pulled out a honey bun from my bag and ate it.

'' I know you hungry, a small ass honey bun ain't gon fill you up. ''

I rolled my eyes, and start walking away, until he grabbed my arms. I snatched away quick and looked at him.

'' Look ! I ain't good with these apoligie shit, cause I ain't the type of nigga to sit here and apoligize. But how about I take you to McDonald to get you something to eat, i know it ain't a biggie big, but not most places are open at 1 in the morning.''

'' Are you going to walk or ride the car ? ''

'' Shit, whatever you like. ''

I thought about it for a second, if he drives me he could possibly take me anywhere without my notice. But if we walk, it would take forever, and my dad would notice us and I got possibly get raped again. But then again, i don't know why, but I felt safe when I'm with him. 

'' Walk. ''

'' IIght, let's get to walking. ''


When we finally walked to Mcdonald I ordered a Strawberry Banana smoothie, with a SnackWrap and some fries, while he ordered a large frie and some coke.


We finally found a place to settle down in one of the boost and settled down. I looked at her, and smiled. She's fine as fuck. 

'' So, let me ask you something. '' I said, as she rolled up her sleeves showing her scars.

I balled my hand into a fist, just thinking of a nigga that would do some shit like this. She looked at me with her mouth stuffed with fries. She blushed a little and wiped the corner of her lips with the napkin.

'' Ask awayyyy '' She sang.

'' What happen, when I left? ''

'' Ain't a damn thing. '' She lied.

'' Oh iight, one more question. ''

She rolled her eyes and nodded her head while stuffing her face in some fries.

'' Does your dad beat you ? ''

She nearly chocked on her fries, and looked at me shocked as hell.

'' What makes you think that? '' She said trying to fake chuckle.

'' Look at her arms. '' I said pointing to it.

She put her head down and looked at her arm, then back at me. 

'' Why the fuck you so worried? '' 

'' Chill, I'm just trying to ask you a simple question. ''

'' Well, don't ask if it doesn't concern you. ''

'' Chill with the additude. ''

'' No, I ain't gon chill, when you try to be in my bussiness. What the fuck you gon ask me next? How am I pregant? '' She said, as she got up. She seemed like, she regreted what she said. She started walking out the door. I ain't no kiss up nigga, and i'm tired of running after her, so I let her just walk away, i just stood there confussed as fuck. 

Pregant? Nah, she mixed up her words.


It's been five months, ever since I've seen him. He has left me alone, I've started school two month ago, and i've been beat least at home. I turned 16 3 weeks ago, but I didn't do anyting, so it's not even worth talking about.My pregancy is really starting to show. Now, I was going to find out the sex of my little princesse or little prince. 

I was walking down, the street when I seen the face, I've never in my life wanted to see again. I swallowed what seemed like a knot. I started walkingfaster, until I felt him gram my hand.

'' Mia is it? '' He said in his deep voice.




CUT. I wonder who it is. 

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