Chapter 13.

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It has been a week since I've given birth to my first babygirl and been 2 days since, we've brought her home. Although, all she does is cry and sleep and poop, I can't stand being away from her. To think Cameron would be all obsseded and close to his daughter, he hasn't. He's been all distanced and everytime I tried touching him, he sooes me off, so I just shrugg it off.

I didn't even trip, that he wasn't there for his daugters birth so, I don't see why the fuck he's trippen? I should be the one tripped out and acting like a bitch but, I'm not. I was in her nursery room rocking her back and forth on the rocking chair, when Damien came in. I bent down to his level and elped him onto the chair with my freehand.

'' Hey little munchkin. '' I said as I played with the waves in his hair.

'' Where's your daddy? '' I asked as, I kissed her forehead and put her in her crib.

'' Kichin '' He said as he tried to pronouce the word.

'' Come on, let's go down there. '' I said as i helped him down the chair and started walkng towards the kitchen.

I walked into the kitchen completely ignoring Cameron's rude ass. I made myself a plate of what his mom already cooked. Eggs, Toast, Bacon and Sassages. I put my plate on the table as, i sat down infront of it. 

While, I was eating I kept feeling like Cameron was staring at me. I shrugged it off but after I looked up at him and caught him, I buckled him as he laughed.

'' Damien, go to room real quick '' He said as Damien ran to his room.

'' I don't see what's so funny? '' I said.

'' Chill. ''

'' You're so fucking irrating. '' I finally let out.

'' And how the fuck is that? ''

'' Cause, you wanna act all distancey and shit when I didn't do shit nor did your daugher. ''

He stayed silent for a moment and got up from the table but i grabbed his hand and made him sit back down.

'' I ain't feeling my self, damn you happy? Bugging the shit out of me. ''

'' And why is that? ''

'' Cause, I missed the birth of my first daughter. My first mother fucking daughter. ''

'' DO you see me fucking acting sicko about it ? If, anything you should be acting close to her to make up from them times. '' I said as I got up and put my plate away.I was washing the dishes that were in the sink including mines when, I felt his arms wrap around his waist.

'' You right, babe you right. ''

'' When the fuck aren't I. '' I mumbled as I dried my hands.

'' Get yo concided ass on somewhere and give my baby some milk. '' He said as he slapped my ass.


Bree was laying on my chest with my arms around Mia and Damien on the other side of me. Mia was bugging the hell out of me to put them both in there beds so, we could do something. For the first time, she wants to do something. 

Plus, she ain't suppose to do nothing until another 5 weeks. It was cute seeing her act thirsty for me. I don't know, what the hell got into her today. She was acting like she was pregant, with her damn mood swings.

'' Pleassseeeeee baby. ''

'' Nah, this my first night with my babygirl and you trying to make me leave her? Mia you can swerve.'' i joked.

'' Moe moe. '' Damien whined.

'' Alright come on little man. '' I said as I held his hand as we walked to my momma's room. He gave me a long ass goodnight hug to the point where K was crying, and he gave me a kiss before he went inside my momma's room.

'' You jealous nana ? '' I said as we walked back into my room.

I climbed back on the bed with K still on my chest with Mia turned to the wall. I laughed as I cooed with Bree. I guess, Mia got mad so she turned around and mean mugged me.

'' Give me my baby. ''

'' Nah, give me a kiss first. '' I said as i moved closer to her face.

She was about to kiss my lip but Bree swerved her putting her hand on Mia's lip and pushed her back. I died laughing as, she threw a little fit and started crying on my chest.

'' Damn, she's a daddys girl. '' I said as I kissed Mia's forehead and rubbed K's back.



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