Chapter 1

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Mothers POV

"Congratulations, Mr. and Mrs. Grey. You are the proud parents of twins. A boy and a girl!" the nurse spewed. I looked at my husband, and smiled. We've had these names picked out for months.

" 'We'll name our children Jackie,' " my husband started.

" 'And Wilson' " I finished. " 'Raise 'em on rhythm and blues'. " We chuckled as we completed the song by Hozier.

"Welcome to the world my babies. We promise to love you and always be there for you." I kissed their foreheads and rocked Wilson as he slept.

Chapter 1 (16 years later)
Jackie POV

"Have a good day, sweetie!" My mom oozed with excitement. I sighed an "okay, Ma." and unlocked the car doors. I reached over to get my bookbag and saw that my brother was sleeping and i smirked.

"WAKE UP!" I screamed in his face and then i bolted from the car as fast as i could.

I was so busy running that i forgot to watch where i was going. I hit a brick wall, or at least what felt like one. I looked up and met a pair of chocolate brown eyes. They had a hint of mischievousness in them. Andy held my shoulders as he spoke,
"Eager to get to class, Grey?"

I rolled my eyes and tried to wiggle from his grasp. Key word here is: tried.

His grip got tighter to the point of hurting me. "Trying to get away?" He leaned in close to my face and looked at my lips as he spoke. "What say you and I go find a storage room or janitors closet and--" He was cut off by someone grabbing him and pinning him to the outside wall.

"Don't you ever talk like that to her ever again! Matter of fact, don't even talk to her EVER again! Got it?" Wilson said with rage evident on his face. Andy smirked and slid Wilson's hand away. "Yeah, whatever," he mumbled.

I watched with disgust as Andy walked away. Will stepped in my line of vision, and shoved me hard. "What the heck was that for you jerk?" I yelled at him.

"That was for screaming in my face when we were getting out of the car." He yelled back. I opened my mouth to respond to him, but i was engulfed in a hug.

"Are you okay though? I mean did Andy hurt you?" Will said with sudden concern as he tried checking my arms and face for any sign of bruising.

I smiled gently, "Yes, I'm fine. He was just trying to--"

"Stop!" He held his hand up, "I could see what he was trying to do, but that doesn't mean I want to hear it." I chuckled and we headed to the double doors leading inside the school.

"Here we are," i said to Wilson.
"Where its the forming of cliques the first three months of the year." He said
"And a raging sea of hormones the other seven," i responded.
We each had a hand on the doors as we finished, "Welcome to hell! Or more commonly referred to as school."

We laughed and i went to the office to get my schedule.

Once i got my schedule and locker combination, i waited outside my first period class, which was English. My blonde and blue ombre hair fell gently down the front of my right shoulder. I played with the blue ends until my backpack was jerked. "Excuse me?!" I yelled as i was pushed against the lockers.

Aubrey got in face, and bitterly said "I saw you this morning." I smirked.

"That's because you have eyes." I snidely responded. "Don't be sarcastic with me you little slut!" She spat.

I raised my eyebrows, "That's pretty bold coming from the BIG slut." She stomped her heel like a 6-year-old.

"I saw you flirting with Wilson Grey this morning. I came to tell you to back off! He's mine." She said.

I nearly choked on the laughter that i was holding back. Is she not aware that he's my twin brother. I mean, we look exactly alike, set apart gender. We have the same face, the same eyes, the same hair color....wait. The hair. I dyed part of my blonde hair blue over the summer. That must be what it is. But, still, we've been in the same class since like 7th grade. She should've picked up on it by now.

"Well, Aubrey, it won't happen again. I can assure you that." I said through a Barbie-fake smile.

"It better not, Julia." She said as she stormed off. "Jackie, my name's Jackie." I mumbled.

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