Chapter 4

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Chapter 4
Jackie POV

I looked at myself in the mirror, panting. I felt disgusting, i felt dirty everywhere his hands, body, lips, and breath had touched my skin. I washed my hands for several minutes, trying to wash away his sickening fingerprints.

That's when the tears started to fall. I quickly wiped them away, but this only made room for the new ones. I splashed some water on my face and redid my make up. I looked in the mirror, there was no longer evidence that i had been crying. I fixed my shirt and composed myself, stepped out of the bathroom, and made my way to the lunch room.

I sat down and no one paid me any mind, which is what i had wanted. I reached in my lunch and got out my Milano and started to eat one. Someone touched my left forearm. I jumped at the contact and pulled away. Will looked at me like i had four heads. "What's wrong," he asked in a hushed tone.

I shook my head and dismissed his question. "Nothing," i lied, "i'm fine." I scratched my wrist. He searched my face long and hard.

"You're lying. Don't lie to me Jack, what is wrong?" He asked enunciating his every word at the end. I wanted to ask him how he knew something was wrong, but he shook his head before i opened my mouth.

"I know something's wrong because of the way you're acting. I've been with you since we were literally conceived, i know when you're hurt, sad, angry, joking, or serious. And i know that something happened when you stepped out there," he said pointing to the hallway i had just came from.

Wilson POV

There was she wasn't telling me, and i am going to get it out of her. When she came back from the hall, the hair all around her face was wet, her make up looked different, and her hands were red as if she had been doing something that had irritated them. When she sat down she grabbed her Milano and started to eat them while her right leg bounced up and down, something she only does that when she nervous or mad. And when she said she was fine, she scratched her wrist, something she does when she lying.

I shook my head, "Jackie. Just tell me what is wrong." She looked at me for a second before looking down again. "You promise not to freak out or do anything or let on that you know what happened?"

I sighed, "Depends on what it is." She shook her head, "No. That's not good enough." She got up to leave, i followed her out to the hallway. I grabbed he wrist and twirled her around, "Okay, fine. I will listen and not do a thing about it and i won't freak out. I promise." i added when she opened her mouth to object.

She sighed heavily then looked around to see if anyone was around to hear. When she saw no one she began. She explained how she had only wanted to wash her hands, then Andy grabbed her waist and pulled her into an empty room. My whole body went tense when she said that he ran his hands over her chest.

He touched my sister. He touched her, and he wanted more from her. Her stutter was starting to show its head as she was getting more worked up.

I wrapped her in a hug an held her as she took some deep breaths, trying to calm down. Then she pulled away a little to tell me what he said as she was running away, "one day i will have you." I pulled her close once more.

I rubbed her back and told her i would never let that happen as long as i live. She wriggled from my grasp to look at me, "Now you have to keep your promise! I told you and you cant do anything, say anything, or let on that you know what happened okay? I don't know what he'll do if he finds out i told."

I sighed, but nodded my head nevertheless and swore to keep my word. But i made a silent vow to myself that if he ever did anything to her again, i would kick his-- well let's just say he may have some difficulty sitting, standing, or breathing.

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