Chapter 8

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Chapter 8
Wilson POV

When i heard the front door close i knew that Jackie and Lawson had left for the party. I was, honestly, hoping that Lawson would take Jackie away. I really needed to be alone for a while.

I stood up and walked, solemnly, to my night stand where there was a picture of me and my parents at an arcade. It was the first birthday Jackie and i had spent apart.

We were turning 10 and Jackie had wanted to have a sleepover with Kay, while i wanted to go to the arcade. So, Mom and Dad had arranged it all and Jackie was at Kay's and they took me to dinner and then to the arcade.

I remember not having as good a time as i hoped because my twin wasn't with me. I won Jackie the biggest elephant there, as her present. I picked up the picture and stared at it. Tears prickled at my eyes and i shut them, not wanting to let it out. Crying just wasn't my thing.

The realization of it all hit me when i looked deep into the eyes of my parents that would never again see me. Anger pulsated through my every vein. I was angry that they had gone on a stupid date night. Angry that the other vehicle had mouth-functioned, and angry that Jackie couldn't save them.

Amidst my blind rage, i through the picture across the room where the frame and glass shattered. I swept my arms across my dresser and everything on it fell with a crash.

I stormed through my room like a tornado. Ripping clothes from the closet, pushing my bookshelf over, pitching awards and trophies against my wall, and tearing down shelving.

I was panting heavily as a sank to the ground. I gingerly picked up the discarded picture from it's pile of rubbish. I held the photo to my bare chest and threw my head against the wall. I closed my eyes and slammed my clenched fists into the broken glass. As thoughts of what has been, what is, and what should have been raced through my mind all i could do was scream.

Jackie POV

We arrived at the party and i made it clear to Lawson that i was here to have fun, not be babysat. The drunks, the loud thumping, and piercing squeals were music to my ears. This is what i need to let go and forget, even for just a few hours.

I practically galloped up to the bar. "Coke and Morgan if you please." I said politely. The bartender for the night smirked, "What if it doesn't please me, then what?" My face hardened, "Then i'm jumping over this bar and making the drink my freaking self!"

He chuckled and poured my drink. "You're a feisty one ain't ya, Jack-Jack?" I shot my head up, nearly getting whiplash in the process. "How did you know my name?"

Rolling his eyes he responded, "We sit across from each other in History. Josh Martin?" I squinted my eyes and took my time examining him. He did look familiar now that he mentioned it. As my eyes roamed his face and body, a flash of my dead parents flashed across my eyes.

I stiffened and downed the rest of my drink. Josh looked at me, studying my sudden mood change. "Do you wanna dace?" I asked abruptly. Josh's eyes widened and his mouth fell open in shock. I rolled my eyes and grabbed some random guy from the kitchen, asking him if he knew how to make drinks while dragging him bag to the bar. Tossing the dude behind the counter, i grabbed Josh and we slid through the mass of sweaty bodies and made our way to the dance floor.

Josh was very reluctant at first, an it was kind of irritating me. Didn't he understand that i needed him to make me forget my parents? Huffing, hooked my fingers through his jeans belt loops. Thus bringing him close enough to me to smell his minty breath. Putting his hands on my hips, i started to roll my hips and he responded quickly.

We stayed like that for a while, extremely close and taking ragged breaths. Josh was a great distraction, but soon the accident reared it's ugly head again. Taking deep breaths, i tried to think of a way to further push them away. I looked at Josh's well defined body and face, he was very attractive if i do say so myself.

Without another thought to it, i snaked my arms around his neck. Playing with the black hair at the nape of his neck, i drew his face close to mine. I teased him a little, nibbling his ear, giving him a hickey just below his jawline, before planting a kiss on his lips.

He didn't react right away, but instead stood there appalled at my sudden burst of affection. Josh quickly recovered, however, and he moved his hands to the small of my back. My lips moved against his and, i must say, it was very enjoyable. I pulled away first, panting. He looked into my eyes and i smirked. "Good dancer and a good kisser, you should have told me." I said.

He laughed and kissed down my jawline, "You should have asked or made a move sooner, Jackie." I smiled as he placed a teasing kiss on the spot where my neck and shoulder meet. Making his way back up my neck, he pulled me in for another kiss.

We made out for a while before i told him that i needed to go find my friend and make sure he was okay. Josh nodded and kissed me one last time before giving my bottom and light tap as i turned around. I scurried past all the bodies and furniture to look for Lawson.

I finally found him sitting at the bar, so i scampered over. Lawson looked at me up and down, "Done with your boy already?" he asked with a twinge of something i couldn't quite out my finger on. Nevertheless, i smirked. "We didn't go any farther the making out, Lawson. Calm down. You don't need to pick up for Will, simply because he's not here." I said casually. He murmured under his breath but i couldn't catch all of it. Something about "not doing it for Will's sake but for........sake." I couldn't understand who's sake he was doing this for, but i let it drop anyway.

The memories had been making themselves known all evening. While dancing, while the music thumped my ears, and even while kissing Josh. I was beyond frustrated. I came here for forget, and they just wouldn't give it a rest. The only time they left was when i having a drink.

With that in mind i asked for another coke and Morgan. The boy slid it over my way and i drank it relishing in the way it cleared my head, freeing most of the unwanted memories and thoughts. The Captian Morgan burned going down, the way it always did but i loved every minute of it. I just wish that the alcohol could get rid of all of the thoughts, but some still seemed to hang on.

I slammed down my drink, making Lawson jump in surprise. "Are you alri--" "Captian Morgan." i cut him off talking to the bartender. He shrugged and filled my glass to the brim with Captian Morgan. I downed it in record time. Irritatingly enough, Captian Morgan wasn't doing enough to get rid of the remaining thoughts.

Grunting i racked my brain for a stronger drink that might do the trick. "Whiskey straight with no water." i demanded, suddenly getting mad. I wasn't and angry drunk, i was the fun one. The one who did fun stuff and funny things. Why was i getting mad as i was getting drunker? As i shot back my whiskey, i realized it.

I came to this party to forget about what happened to my parents this week. And no matter how hard i tried it couldn't take away their memory. The music just wasn't loud enough, the boys just weren't hot enough, and the alcohol just wasn't strong enough. I tipped back one more drink in anger before storming out of the house with Lawson hot on my tail.

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