Chapter 6

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Chapter 6
Jackie POV

I hopped in my truck and start the engine. As it roars to life, i take the time to put on my seatbelt and check my mirrors, etc. once i am situated i put the truck in drive and pull out, giving a honk to Wilson.

When i arrive at the diner, i pull around back where staff is required to park. I cut the engine, grab my apron and hop out. Once I get inside, i clock in, grab a tray and get to work taking and delivering orders.

Everything moves rather quickly, so my shift is almost over before i know it. The door jingles as it opens and i hear voices. Quickly, I finish stacking the plates, i dry my hands then go to the table where they sat down.

"Hello," i say with my required smile, "my name is Jackie and i'll be you server tonight. Can i start you out with any drinks?" I ask politely. When i look up from my notepad, i stumble back.

"Surprised to see me, Princess?" Andy asks with a smirk. My body starts to tremble under his stare. I straighten up and clench my fists. "Just tell me what you want to drink, Andrew." I say, purposely screwing up his name.

Andy's smirk is replaced by a stone cold expression. "My name is Andy. And i'll have a Coke." He replies between gritted teeth. I roll my eyes "Whatever, Anthony." i retort.

I feel his fiery gaze on my back but i was smirking at his reaction. I take his drink back to the table and stand with one hand on my hip, waiting for his food order.

He rattles it off to me and i scribble it down. He passes me the menu and when i take it, his hand grazes my hand. I nearly burst into tears right there, but i force the lump back down my throat.

I scramble back to the kitchen to give the order to Gary, the cook. I check the clock and it reads 8:59. I sigh in relief. I jog over to Jake, my boss, and ask if he can pick up my table because i have to go. Jake smiles and gives a "yes". I smile widely and give a quick thanks and tell him the table number.

I am about to enter the back room when something on the television catches my attention. There was an accident involving an SUV and an 18-wheeler.

The 18-wheeler had blown through a red light and hit the SUV broadside. The news man said that the two people in the SUV were pronounced dead at the scene. And the driver of the 18-wheeler was being treated for minor scrapes and bruises. The news guy then said that this would be under great investigation.

I paused for a moment to absorb the news. I shook my head, Poor families. I can't imagine what it's like to lose a parent, let alone two parents at once.

I sighed at the sad thoughts that went through my mind. I went to my truck, got in, and started the engine. Pulling out, i turned on the radio to hear more about the accident. I decided to go the back way home.

I was driving past a hotel when i came across the same accident that i had heard about. There were several big flood lights around the scene, as to light it better since it was dark outside. The SUV looked very familiar, but i just couldn't place it. I made a spur-of-the-moment decision to pull over and get out, to get a closer look.

As i neared the scene and the car i noticed a bumper sticker. The bumper sticker proudly showing my school name and colors only now it was smudged in blood. I cocked my head to the right and stepped closer. Then stopped in my tracks, my hands came up to my mouth.

My mom and dad were laid out across big green tarps. They were soaked in blood, but i didn't care. I sprinted through the caution tape and threw myself on them. I started bawling my eyes out.

"Ma'am!" said and unknown voice. I looked through my foggy eyes and saw a police man running toward me. "Ma'am, you can't cross the tape. I need you to stand behind the tape." He said while trying to pull me away from my parents. "No! No! You don't understand these are my parents!" I screamed as i grabbed tighter to my daddy's coat.

The officer looked away from us for just a brief moment then looked back at us with a noticeably gentler expression. "I'm sorry. I'm sorry ma'am but we are still gathering some things from the scene and i'm asking you to please wait behind the tape." He said calmly.

I looked at my parents and cried into my mothers stomach. The police man carefully helped me up and placed me behind the tape.

Looking down at myself, i had my parents blood all over my uniform, my hands, my arms, my chest, and probably my neck and face. I sat on the curb and cried so hard i started spitting up blood of my own. The officer came back to me with some tissues and a water bottle.

"I think it would be best if you left, hon." He said with a sad smile. I nodded my head as i took a gulp of the water. I looked at the scene. "I love you Mommy and Daddy." I whispered. The officer gave me, what i assumed to be, a sympathetic hug. I stumbled back to my truck and got in. I the started it and drove off.

How i made it home, i have no idea. I pushed open the suddenly heavy door and stood there. I heard laughing coming from the lounge. My feet dragged as i walked to the lounge.

I stopped at the door and looked at the people in front of me. Lawson and Wilson were laughing at some answer Lawson had given while studying. Lawson's face morphed into one of concern for me. Wilson turned around to see what had made the laughing cease.

They stood up and stared at me. Everything i had seen in the last 10 minutes came crashing back on my shoulders like 14,000 tons of steel. My knees buckled under the weight of how my life was going to be different.

"THEY'REGONE! THEY'RE DEAD! WHAT AM I SUPPOSED TO DO!?" I screamed with everything i had left in me.

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