Chapter 3

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Chapter 3
Wilson POV

I hustled to the lunch room trying to get as far away from Aubrey as possible. When i got to our table there were two available seats: one next to Jackie and one next to Kay.

The seat i pick now will be the seat i have the rest of the year. Don't ask why, but that's just how it ends up. I went through the lunch line, throughly debating which seat to take. There are perks to sitting next to my sister: i can take her food, i can bug her, i can hear every conversation she has with anyone at our table, and i can be rude and annoying towards her much easier than if i was across the table or a few people away. But sitting next to Kay would be nice too because......well, because.....ugh. No, i can't that might make it too obvious. I sighed out loud earning me some odd looks, not that i cared. Guess i'm sitting next to Jackie.

I set my tray down next to Jackie and sat down. She looked at me and threw her hands up in frustration. "Really?! There was an open seat right there," she said gesturing to the seat between Kay and Lawson. I smiled goofily, "I know but i wanted to sit next to my favorite sister!" I said as i hugged her tightly. She grunted in annoyance, "Get off me you fat walrus!"

The table laughed as we continued to bicker pointlessly. Finally, accepting defeat Jackie sighed and ignored me. I smirked at her reached in her lunch bag to see what she brought. I pulled out a bag of Milano cookies.

I was about to open them when my stomach constricted in pain. i dropped the bag and held my abdomen. I looked up to see an angry sister. "What the heck Jackie! Why did you punch me?!"

"Because you were going to eat my Milano! No one touches my Milano, you've lived with me how long and you still haven't figured that out yet." I made a pouty face.

"Please may i have a cookie? Please Chan?" I used the nickname i gave her when we were little. I called her that as a child thinking she would turn into a ninja instead of being the annoying sister she is, it clearly didn't work.

She laughed, "That nickname isn't going to work, Stupid. I have gotten older and i have matured." Lawson laughed greatly at that, "Just because you sprouted boobs and got a period, doesn't make you 'mature', Jack."

Jackie POV

I snapped my head in Lawson's direction, "Perhaps you should go look for puberty so it can turn you from a ugly aardvark into a less ugly aardvark." He looked at me and smirked.

My heart did a weird little thing when he did that, but i ignored it nevertheless. I looked back to Will, "By the way, i have to work late at the diner so you're on your own for dinner." His mouth fell open and closed repeatedly in shock like a fish. I smirked and tapped his chin, "You should close that, Nemo."

"Ha ha," he deadpanned, "but why am i alone for dinner?" I rolled my eyes at his forgetfulness.

"I told you this morning. Mom and Dad are having their monthly 'date night' and i'm working late at the diner for the next 2 weeks so i can make up the time i'll miss for our birthday. You need to listen and retain more of what i say." i finished.

He slumped his shoulders, very dramatically might i add. But nonetheless nodded in remembrance. He opened his mouth and i knew what he was going to ask. I impatiently shook my head, "It's a school night and you know that they don't allow sleepovers on school nights." He sighed exasperatedly.

I patted his head and stood up. I was about to enter the restroom to wash my hands, when i was grasped by the waist and pulled into a vacant room. I felt a body pressed against my back. Their breath tickled my hair as he whispered into my ear, "You're so beautiful. I can't stop looking at you whenever you're around." I nearly gagged at the closeness of our proximity.

Andy rubbed his hands up my stomach to my chest. I struggled against him but he just laughed and pressed me closer to him. He moved his hand to my hair and grabbed a strand. "I love the blue." He said as he played with it. He brought his hands to my upper arms. His breath had moved to my neck, his lips teasingly going over my shoulder blades. When i felt his lips on the spine of my neck, close to my hair line, i hung my head forward and whipped it back real quick. His hands left my body and his cursing told me that i was free.

I ran to the door and threw it open and bolted to the bathroom. On my way down the hall i heard his voice, "ONE DAY JACKIE! ONE DAY I WILL HAVE YOU!" And shook my head and continued to the bathrooms. Over dead bodies, Andy. Over dead bodies.

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