Chapter Four | Captain Coy

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A/N: Thalia Stone will be taking over the three chapters, then Liberty will be taking over the three after that. Like a switch off every four chapters.

Back in the Enchanted Forest, Neverland and Wonderland, Captain Thalia Coy and Captain Killian Jones seem like the worst of enemies to the crew of the Jolly Roger, but who knew they were a married couple...

Killian whipped around the quarter deck and ran his fingers through his dark hair. "Captain Coy!" He yelled. I rolled my eyes.

"Yes, Captain?" I stomped up the stairs and stood next to him. "What do you want now?" I asked.

"Go in our — my cabin— and get the map we've been working on, would you?" Killian grinned, but I shrugged and that made him a wee bit mad.

I smiled. "We fight like an old married couple," I bit my lip. "Not a newlywed couple."

The crew thought I was a man for months upon months. Killian made a mistake by kissing me the one day and I was the first and only female captain aboard the Jolly Roger. Now days, they never call me, "Captain Coy," like they were supposed to before or, "Miss Coy," never what I wanted to be called.

I grabbed the map for my husband and handed it to him. "Thank you, Miss Coy." He smiled and kissed my cheek, but I pinched his arm.

"No." I said firmly. He frowned. "Killian, no."


I pushed Killian into the floor that night and wouldn't let him back into bed, no matter how much he begged to come back to bed. "The Queen of Pirates won't ever let her husband back into bed." I laughed. He pouted for quite sometime.

"Please?" He asked. I shook my head.

"Absolutely not, Killian." I tossed a blanket to him and he groaned and bit his lip. Eventually he was able to come back to bed, but he had to behave.

It was very cold that night and I only let him back to bed because I was freezing. "Thank you." He kissed me and I pushed him away.

"Go to sleep, idiot."

"Idiot?" He raised an eyebrow. "Is that what I'm called now?" Killian wrapped his arms around me and rested his chin in the crook of my neck.

I shrugged. "Because nine times out of ten you are an idiot."

Nothing more was said, mostly because all I could hear was him snoring in my ear all night. I played with his hair until I fell asleep.

Gone, I thought. He's off again. There was a note on his side of our bed that said, "Went off to the island. Meet me in the middle at noon. Killian." I smiled at his scribbled handwriting. It was ten in the morning so I dressed myself, tied up my hair and made my way to the island. Neverland.

The next thing I know a young, teenaged boy was in my path. "What d'you want, boy?" I asked. "Gold? 'Cause my husband isn't very good at finding anything gold. Why don't you find your mummy?"

The boy glared at me. "The name's Peter Pan and I don't have a mum, Captain Coy."

Peter Pan..."Baelfire!" I shouted. My younger brother knew Pan and he wanted to be a lost boy. "Where's my brother?!" I placed my hands around Pan's neck and he smirked.

"He's been gone." He grinned. I sank into the ground. Bae is gone... my brother is really gone.

The boy disappeared and I pulled myself up. My hands were cut for an unknown reason. "Killian!" I yelled. "Where are you?!"

"Here!" He shouted back. "Thalia, over here!" When I found him it was almost like he saved me. I kissed him, but he grabbed my hands. "What—"

"That's what I've been trying to figure out." I sighed. Killian looked at me with an eyebrow raised before pulling a muddy brown bottle from his coat and grabbed my hands again. The white liquid burned my hands and I cringed my teeth. "What is that?!" I growled. He tied a bandage around my hand and kissed my forehead.

"Rum." He answered. "Like magic!"

I rolled my eyes. "A pirate's life for us, yeah?" Killian smiled, but it faded quickly. "My brother... Bae... he's d—dead." I shrunk into Killian's arms as I slowly realized what was going on.

He picked me up like a child and I wrapped my arms around his neck and my legs around his waist. "I...I always thought I'd be the one to die first. Not Bae."

Killian shrugged. "Sometimes it's the other way around." I sighed and laid my head in his neck. "Are you awake? Because, if you aren't, you won't be able to find the City of Gold." I perked up.

"Gold?" I grinned. "I think I'll be able stay awake for that."

After what seemed like ages, we never found the City of Gold. I called the search off and sent the crew back to the Jolly Roger. "Come on, Killian, let's go." I said. "Killie, love, there isn't any use staring off into the clear blue. Let's go."

I grabbed his hand and pulled him towards the ship. "Fine." He huffed. I gritted my teeth and crossed my arms.

"You gotta be joking." I mumbled. "Just get your stupid butt on the ship. Now."

And he did. Smart choice, love. "Go and get some rest, Thalia. I'll be the captain."

"Aren't you always?" I hissed. "I'm perfectly capable of giving commands and steering the ship. Why don't you get some rest?"

"You give out commands all hours of the bloody day." He barked. I stomped on his foot and slammed the Captain's cabin door.

"'You give out commands all hours of the bloody day.'  Yeah. My—" Killian opened the door and glared at me. "What the heck do you want?"

Killian shrugged and flopped down on the bed. "Take over, would you? Go and be a captain." His words were muffled by the blankets and pillows and I nodded.

"Guess I might as well." I shoved him off the bed and went off to shout orders... fun.

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