Chapter Six | Puzzle Pieces

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(The Curse is broken by Emma by now...) Your Curse won't be broken until you find him. Welcome to Storybrooke, Taliabeatrix... enjoy your stay.

"Nobody cares." I growled. Working at my Dad's shop wasn't exactly fun with your Dad being your boss. "Can you fire me but still pay me?"

Dad shook his head. "That isn't going to happen, Thalia." I groaned and picked up the violin in its case and left the shop.

As I walked by, Liberty McCain and her boyfriend, Jefferson, were busy kissing, which was quite disgusting. I rolled my eyes and walked away. Now, a little rum wouldn't hurt, would it?

My name is Thalia Stone...and my father is Mr. Gold. I'm a bloody professional pick-pocket and I don't like humans.

Surely I could go to my apartment and get some peace and quiet... nope. Henry Mills, the Mayor's son, sat at my table and had that fairytale book with him again. "What are you doing here?" I asked. Henry shrugged.

"Remember when you said, 'Bring your book to my house and I'll make lunch.'?" Henry asked. I stared at the kid.

"I wasn't exactly sober, kid." I said. "But I'll make you a sandwich or something."

I made Henry a grilled cheese sandwich and gave him a Pepsi. "Bon appetite!" I grinned. Henry smiled back at me and ate the sandwich like Regina hadn't fed him in weeks. "So... what did you want to show me again?"

"My book...?" Henry said, like it was quite obvious. I think not, child.

"Oh... yeah. Sorry, I forgot. Carry on." I ended up listening to the kid blabber on about how he thinks is birth mom is Emma from his book and her parents are Snow White and Prince Charming or how my Dad is Rumpelstiltskin, possible, but probably not. "So who would I be? Who would you be?"

Henry shrugged, then flipped through pages of his book until he got to a woman on a pirate ship with long, black hair and bright blue eyes- like mine. "There. Captain Coy...she looks like you, doesn't she? Look."

If I had a twin, Captain Coy would pass. "What's her first name, kid?"

"Taliabeatrix. She's the daughter of Rumpelstiltskin and the wife of Captain Hook." I looked closer at the paper. Captain Hook looked... hot... "Um, are you okay?"

"Yeah, I'm fine." I mumbled. I remembered something, I just don't know what. My father would always call me, 'Tallabae," for some unknown reason. But he always shook his head like he made a mistake. Henry opened the can of Pepsi and took another bite of his sandwich.

"Do you remember?" He asked hopefully. I shook my head and sighed.

After Henry went home, or to see Emma, I grabbed the murky brown colored bottle from the fridge and poured myself a glass of rum. I didn't even notice when somebody opened my door. Two arms slithered around my waist and whoever it was laid his chin on my shoulder. I hesitated before I slung my fist in his forehead and kicked him away. "Who the heck are you?!" I shouted, grabbing the biggest knife in the cutting block.

"So you really don't remember me?" He said. I clenched my fists and shook my head.

The man was dressed in leather from head to toe and his left hand was replaced by a Hook. He wore a silver chain with a silver diamond ring on it around his neck and his hair was messy. "No. Now tell me, who are you?"

"Killian Jones... but if you wish, my more colorful name is Captain Hook." The man said. I blinked. Him?

I dropped the knife and it clinked and clanged against the kitchen floor. "You... you're my... sit. You better explain why you're here." I pushed "Captain Hook" down into a chair and he began to explain.

Captain Hook looked at me hopefully. "Now do you remember?" He said. I ran my fingers through my hair.

"Vaguely." I snapped. Hook stood up and brushed my hair off my shoulder. I grabbed his hand and pushed it away. "What do you think you're doing?"

He frowned and placed his hand on the side of my face, leaned in and pecked at my lips. "Killian." I mumbled. "You... you left me..." I grasped the necklace around my neck- the silver one with a plain, silver wedding ring on it. "Killian, you left me!" I punched him in the face, quite literally, and he brought his hand up to his lip, red liquid trickling down his face.

"I didn't have a choice!" He shouted. I balled up my fists and took a deep breath. "I was giving you a better chance."

I shrank into a fetal position and cried. "A better chance, huh? I HAD NO MEMORY OF YOU WHATSOEVER!" I sobbed. Killian's arms wrapped around me.

"My love, I tried," He whispered. "And I came back to save you, didn't I?" I shook my head, then sank into his arms.

Rum, old wood and parchment paper, I thought as I inhaled Killian's scent. Just like it used to be.

"I-I can't let my father see you. You have to stay here... until I'm able to leave." I said. "P-please...don't go." I wrapped my arms around his arm and looked into his eyes. "Killian, stay."

He smirked and kissed my cheek. "Wouldn't dream of it, Miss Coy."


Killian woke up in the middle of the night, screaming his head off. "Shh...what's wrong, my love?" I held him close and kissed his forehead.

"No, no! You left me- you died! Please, don't! Don't! You're-you're alive, right?" Killian sobbed. It's hard seeing your pirate cry so hard. I got him settled down, but he wouldn't release his grip for anything.

The next morning he still wouldn't leave my side. I pinched him several times, but he said, "Nah, I'll stay with you, love." We went the docks together, but that was before my father found my pirate. I shoved Killian down in the hold of the ship and closed the hatch.

"Broke your Curse, Tallabae?" Father climbed onto the ship, although I'm pretty sure it was invisible.

I narrowed my eyes. "I'm sorry, all I see where you're standing is a coward," I gritted my teeth and took several steps backward towards the hatch. "And I found my pirate, yes. But you won't take him away, Papa. Go mess with somebody else...I hear that Baelfire is in New York. Find him and don't worry about me."

Killian banged on the hatch with his fist and hook and I kicked it. "Shut up!" I growled. My father stepped closer and pushed me aside, opening the hatch. At that he said, "There you are."

I grabbed my father's collar and threw him away from Killian. "GO AWAY!" I yelled. Killian climbed out the hold and stood next to me.

"You know, I could've handled your father myself, love." He said. I glared at him.

"Father, just go away. He's fine, he won't hurt me...K-Killian loves me." I looked at Killian, then back at my father. "I'm happy with him."

Father sighed. "If he hurts you, I'll kill him. I promise you, I will."

I nodded. "Fine with me. Now, shoo." Killian wrapped his arms around me protectively. "I'll call when I need you, so go."

Killian bit his lip and my father disappeared. I grinned. "Come on." My pirate pulled me away and I won't mention anything else.

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