Mute Girl, Bad Boy CH. 24

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I sat on the plane staring out the window trying not to hyperventilate, I wonder how much he's changed like the others. I wonder if he's found someone else, my mind was firing thousands of thoughts around my brain. The Captains voice made me come out of my thoughts,

"Ladies and gentleman, We will shortly be arriving In Italy, And landing in the capital city Rome" I could hear a child screaming, teenagers chatting happily, old couples smiling at each other and then there was me, nervously picking at my jumper sleeve. 

The plane landed and I slowly got off and got the taxi to the hotel near the restaurant Hunter told me to meet him, it was four hours until 8 o'clock. I showered and changed into the quickest outfit I could find (outfit at top)

I looked at my phone again checking the time, I had an hour to get there, it was only a 10 minute walk. I called ash and my brother before, informing them I was fine and Id be home soon. I got up and walked out the door making sure my key card was in my bag and left, It was dark but all the city lights lit up the street beautifully and the street singers made me feel less alone. I walked into the Restaurant, A lady walked up to me and Smiled,

"Can I help you ma'am?" I smiled nervously,

"Im supposed to meet someone on the balcony, do you know the way?" She nodded,

"Follow me ma'am" she took me outside and only a couple were out here, she took me to the balcony sided with high chairs so you could look out at the city, 

"Can I get a name incase that someone asks for you? also would you like a drink of anything?" 

"Miss Winter and just a glass of water please" she nodded and walked away. 

Ive been waiting for an hour, its now 9 o'clock, I sighed and felt tears roll down my face, maybe he doesn't care, maybe he really does have someone else. I wiped my tears and stood putting my bag over my arm and turned..

There he was standing by the door looking at me with shock, he had a bruise under his eye, a recent one I'm guessing due to the blueish black colour and a split lip, that made me look at his strong jaw line that now had facial hair, he looked like he hasn't seen a razor in a year. He wore a checkered shit open onto of a black shirt that fit tightly showing the muscles he has underneath, and some baggy black jeans and some black trainers. I looked back into his eyes and spoke in a whisper,

"H-Hunter?" His eyes widened and he stepped closer hesitantly as if he thought I would disappear if he moved to fast. He finally spoke after 10 minutes of staring at me, 

"Its really you" I smiled nervously and nodded not knowing what to say. He walked up quickly and pulled me into his arms and kissed my head, then mumbled into my hair, 

"Lilly" he pulled me at arms length and smiled,

"Hunter, I just wanted to say Ive missed you even though it felt like yesterday I seen you and you magically aged about 4 years, and I lo-" a feminine french voice spoke up cutting me off, 

"Who's this babe?" I felt hunter stiffen and I pulled away and seen this most beautiful women I've ever seen, she looks like she just walked out of a fashion show. Then it kicked in, I felt my heart being pulled apart and held back tears, Hunter spoke,

"Ari this is Lillana, Lilly this is Aribella" The woman looked at me like I was dirt on her shoe and I felt my throat become dry, he really has found someone else. I should have left him alone, wow I look like a plain boring girl compared to her, I looked down and spoke with a croaky voice,

"I-I h-have to go" I ran past them both, I heard Hunter shout my name and Aribella speak,

"Let her go, she ain't wort it" I sobbed the women who served me spoke when she seen me,

"Are you okay ma'am?" I smiled sadly 

"Yeah, thank you" I ran back to my hotel and slammed the door shut and slid down the door crying. He's moved on, He has someone else, Someone better, Someone who isn't broken like me. 


I woke up on the floor, I sat up and stood stretching, yesterdays memories crashed into my mind and I stumbled and felt tears start rolling down my face again. I went to the bathroom and had a shower and put on some white shorts, black shirt and white cardigan. I walked out and walked to the nearest cafe, I ordered pancakes and a glass of water, the women was a cheery old lady. Once the cafe quietened down, she came over and sat opposite me and spoke,

"Why do you look so sad my dear?" I smiled sadly,

"Im okay ma'am" she tutted and tapped the table impatiently with her nails, 

"Call me Maria and No lying dear, tell me what male broke your heart" I looked at her with surprise, she smiled knowing she got me,

"I-he-" I sighed,

"I went into a coma for four years, and I just woke up, he didn't believe me so he told me to meet him at the plaza restaurant, I meet him, I was about to tell him how I feel, I love him ma'am but he's moved on to someone better" she tutted,

"Let me guess he's got brown hair that just falls down to his eyes, gorgeous chocolate eyes, a strong jawline that is to die for? oh and to add to the bad boy vibe he has a black eye and cut lip" I started at her in confusion, how did she know that? she smiled cheekily,

"He's standing right behind you" I quickly turned and looked up to see Hunter, I gasped, Maria chuckle, 

"I'll leave you to catch up" 


Ive dedicated these chapters to unicornpink90,  siti_girlmacie78979MusicOnNonstop and the rest of the people who have commented and voted for my story, Hope you guys like the Updates XD 

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