Mute Girl, Bad Boy CH. 26

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Im sorry i haven't updates in a while, a family member passed away but Ive finally wrote the last chapter of this book, Thank you to all the people who liked, commented and followed me and this book XD Thanks for the people who have sent all the book cover ideas they were all amazing. 

Hope you enjoy the last chapter.... 




"Lilly!!" Hunter shouted my name in annoyance, I smiled cheekily back


"Would you just choose the colour TEDDY for Swayers and Missy's second baby please!!" I chuckled,

" SKY BLUE!" He picked up the cutest sky blue teddy bear ever and we rushed to Missy's house considering we are late,

"She's going to kill us for being late you know?" He grunted and pushed me to go faster.


Hunter knocked on their door and a stressed looking Swayer answered when he seen us his eyes lit up,

"Your here! thank god! Lilly could you please find Anna for me she's playing hide and seek, and Missy wants to make a toast but she won't until everyones in the back garden, so hurry please" I chucked and searched for Anna, i knew where she was because its her best hiding place when i baby sit her. 

"Annnnnaa where are you?" I heard her giggling from the wardrobe in her room, I opened it and picked her up swinging her in the air, she chuckled and hugged me tightly. 


"Hey princess, the queen has summoned us" she giggled and i chased her into the back garden where Swayer smiled at me thankfully and hunter had a twinkle in his eyes and she climbed up into my arms resting her head on my shoulder.

"I want to thank everyone for coming to Jake's first birthday party-" Anna interrupted,

"Prince Jakey mama!" We all laughed at her and Missy carried on, 

"Prince Jake's birthday party, you guys are the best friends me and swayer could ask for, even though we've all had our ups and downs were still a big family that works it out and comes back together again in the end, without you guys we would all be un complete, I love you guys forever and always" 

Swayer walked forward and spoke,

"I have something to say guys" he turned to Missy and got down on one knee and pulled out a ring. I gasped along with all the other women and blake, 

"Missy, your the best thing thats ever happened to me, sine the first time I laid eyes on you i was in love with you and i jumped at the chance to speak to you, your the mother of my children and the best friend i couldn't  even to being to ask for, So Missy will you marry me?" she had tears rolling down her face and she squealed, 

"YES!!" He picked her up and twirled her while everyone cheered, Anna wiggled to get down and she ran over to them, I felt arms wrap around me and pull me into their chest i looked up to se hunter smiling down at me, i smiled, 

"There perfect" He looked at them and nodded then looked back at me, He kissed my lips then spoke, 

"I cant wait to start a family with you Lilliana" I chocked and looked up at him with sad eyes, he raised his eyebrow with a frown, 

"Lilly?" I unwrapped his arms and took a few steps back, 

"Im sorry Hunter" I turned and ran, 

I could hear him chasing after me but I cant tell him, I cant tell him theres hardly any chance I could give him a baby. 

Once I got into our new home I ran towards the stairs and into our room, before I could close it Hunter barged threw and closed the door behind us,

"Lilly whats wrong?" I sobbed, 

"Im sorry" he put his hands on my face and moved the hair out of the way while looking at me with concern,

"About what baby?" i shook my head as the tears rolled down my face, 

"I  cant" i tried pulling away but he pulled me closer wrapping his arms around me and putting my face in-between his neck and shoulder while resting his head on mine,

"You cant what? tell me lilliana" 

"I cant give you a f-family" he went still, 


"When I woke up from the coma, the n-nurse said i only have 10% chance of having a b-baby beacause x-xaviour he injured my womb" He hugged me tighter, 

"Lilly, it doesn't matter about the 10% chance, we have the rest of our lives to start a family, I love you Lilliana" I sobbed hugging him with everything I had

"I love you to Hunter" 


The End.

Thank you all for reading this book <3 XD

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