Mute Girl, Bad Boy .... CH.9

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I woke up and few an arm wrapped around me, I jumped and sat up, then looked at Hunter? He groaned then looked up at me then closed his eyes and groaned into the pillow, his voice was muffled into the pillow,

"Lilly why are you awake so early?" I blinked then remembered everything that Happened yesterday, my eyes widened, I spoke to him! Oh god! I turned slightly and a pain shot up my waist, I gasped and hunter sat up quickly, and held my face

"Are you okay?" I felt a tear roll down my face but wiped it away and fake smiled

"I'm okay, my hip hurts abit though" he nodded and helped me up, I blushed when I realised he was only in his boxers, he noticed my blush and chuckled

"Like what you see Lilly?" I put my hands to my eyes and shook my head

"I didn't see nothing, I have no idea what your talking about" I heard him move then jumped when he whispered in my ear

"You can look at me all you want" I blushed again but kept my hands to my eyes, causing him to laugh more, then he spoke

"I'm going to go in the shower considering I'm awake now" I nodded and waited until he closed the bathroom door and ran out the room and to the kitchen, Blake and Caiden where sitting eating chocolate pancakes my eyes lit up and I grabbed o e of Caiden's and started eating he shouted playfully,

"Hey! I was eating that" i shrugged,

"And I'm eating it now' he stood and started chasing me around the house, I was laughing all the way, then ran Into a wall, i groaned,

"Stupid walls keep getting in my way" Caiden burst out laughing

"Sis that wasnt a wall" huh it felt like a wall? I looked up and seen hunter looking down at me with amusement, I pouted at him

"Your like a wall" he raised an eyebrow,

"A wall you like to stare at?" I glared and stood evil wall!

I heard them both laugh and realised I said that out loud, I slapped my self and groaned, then looked at Caiden,

"Where's the bag i need to get ready for school?" He pointed at the door behind me and I nodded walking in, I picked an outfit out and went into the shower (outfit on the side) once I got out, I spoke To Caiden,

"You ready?" He nodded and just as we was about to leave hunter shouted

"Wait up, I'll drive" once we dropped off Caiden I spoke to hunter,



"I-I ill pay you back for letting me and Caiden stay with you, I'll get a job I promise" he went to speak

"And before you say it, yes I do have to pay" he shook his head, once we got there missy came over and jumped on top of me making me fall back into hunter when held us both up

"Missy!" Her eyes went big and she started at me with shock

"You talked?" I nodded she squealed and jumped on Swayer and spoke

"She talked did you hear her?" He nodded,

"Yeah she spoke yesterday aswell" her eyes went sad then angry

"You spoke to them before me!"

"Missy I" she cut me off and spoke with anger

"No! I was meant to be your best friend Lilliana! Great friend you are! You know what get lost before I do something I regret"

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