Mute Girl, Bad Boy .... CH.18

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I woke up to banging on the door, I wiped my eyes and looked around forgetting where I was, my back ached from being in a curled up position on the floor, I knew if I looked into the mirror there would be red rimming my eyes. The door went again, moms voice shouted

"Lilliana!" I wiped my eyes and crawled over to the door unlocked it and crawled to my bed pulling the cover over my face, mom walked in and spoke,

"Sweetie are you okay? Want me to make some soup?" I shook my head and she kissed my head and left, Caiden came in and sat on my bed,



"What happened?"

"What do you mean Cai?"

"Your lip? You've been crying? And Blake messaged me asking if your okay, he says they're all worried" I looked to the side and noticed Milly facing us, I felt Caiden's stare on the side of my face, he sighed,

'Lilly please tell me?" I put on a fake smile and ruffled his hair,

"Everything's fine little man, I just feel a little ill, I'll be as fit as a fiddle tomorrow" once I said that both of us starting laughing

"Fit as a fiddle? Seriously Anna?" I burst out laughing again and shook my head,

"Don't call me Anna, denden"

"Don't call me denden!" We both playfully glared at each other until we both burst out laughing again, we both went downstairs with my blanket and watched movies.


It's been a month, Missy or the others don't interact with me anyone, apart from the rare occasion she messages me to ask if I'm okay, no once notices me at school as I stay hidden, I'm spending more time with Caiden, taking him out with Cole, but the main reason is because dads back, yeah I know, what the hell right? Well he made this big apology to mom, said it was just a weak moment that he was having trouble at work, but it's all sorted and he's a changed man, well that's what he said, I can see threw his lies, mainly because he will trip and push me when no ones looking. The worst part is Xavier he won't leave me alone, when I'm sitting by myself at school, he magically appears, beats me up then leaves, I had the guts once to ask him why and he laughed saying its just for fun, considering Hunter doesn't care anymore. About Hunter he's with Megan, in her words he apparently told her that he went out with me for a dare, make the mute girl talk then dump her. I guess that's exactly what he did, but with the extra if Xavier on the side.

I'm currently in the cafeteria on a table at the back sitting by myself like normal watching out the window as the rain fell, i could here the rest of the students mumbling about the new student that started today, i ignored them as its only another person who will pretend i don't exist, all today I've heard about how hot he is, how mysterious he is, apparently he hasn't spoke to anyone yet apart from Nathan who he apparently beat up for bad mouthing him, and he's meant to good fighter. Someone's voice made me jump,

"Can I sit here?" I looked up and confusion rushed over me, who's he? I just shrugged and looked back out the window, he wouldn't be able to see my face anyway I have a black hoodie on, oh and I forgot I only speak when I have to, like if mom or Caiden speaks to me otherwise I don't see the point In talking. I seen him sit in the corner of my eyes, I also felt several pairs of eyes on us, I could here them all thinking, why is he sitting next to her? Why didn't he sit with us? Who is he? Where did he come from?

"Thank you, I'm Ashton" I looked to the table but watched him from the corner of my eye, I could see him properly but my face was still hidden from his View, he had black short hair, crystal blue eyes and a lip piercing, he was one of those boys that could pull it off, to be honest the rumours are true that he's hot, but the blue eyes aren't my type plus I'd have no chance anyway, I wasn't interested and i don't trust anyone anymore.

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