Mute Girl Bad Boy .... CH.1

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My covers was done by healer12 and I'm_A_Romance_Geek, I would recommend them as they did an amazing job at creating the cover for me XD


Please note that Liliana is a selective mute.

We'll do it all, everything, on our own, we don't need, anything, or anyone (chasing cars - snow patrol)

I hate mornings, I rolled over in bed and slammed my alarm off, my moms voice shouted up the stairs,

"Lilliana, get up your breakfast is ready honey!" I walked down the stairs sleepily and sat next to my little brother Caiden, he smiled and kissed my cheek, his eyes shown the sad feeling he felt, but hid it from my mom, we both do, you see, we never want are mom to know. We want her to stay happy and the only way we can do that is pretend to be happy. I ruffled his hair and giggled when he glared jokingly. We both ate our breakfast, while mom and Caiden chatted and I sat quietly, like normal.

Once I finished I went upstairs and showered, I got dressed (into Jean shorts and checked buttoned up shirt left over onto of my black shirt) I only put lipgloss and some mascara, then curled my hair. I looked I'm the mirror and a girl looked back, her eyes shown sadness, fear and worst of all they showed she was broken, but if you looked away from her eyes she looked happy, with a smile on her face. My eyes where chocolatey brown, I had red lips, sandy blonde hair, I'm 5ft something and I have curves also I'm 16 years old. I walked downstairs and kissed moms cheek then took Caiden's hand, he smiled sadly,

"Ready sis?" I nodded and walked him to school, then walked the rest of the way to mine. My brother is only 9 years old, but wise for his age, I mean any boy who's been threw what he has, would be the same. I walked into school and my only friend Missy walked over to me with a smile on her face.

"Morning Lilly" me and Missy taught ourselves sign language so we could communicate, if your wondering if she knows about why I'm mute, she doesn't, no one does apart from Caiden.

Morning Missy, how are you? I signed, she smiled and signed back,

I'm good, thank you, what about you?

I'm okay, the bell rang signalling home room, me and Missy went to class, we had most of our lessons together apart from social studies. When we got to home room, she signed to me again, as our teacher doesn't take notice after he's took the register.

Lilly I won't be in after second lesson, I have a doctors appointment, will you be okay?

Yeah I'll be fine, don't worry Missy she nodded and hugged me, I giggled and hugged her back.

It's dinner time, and I was walking through the hall ways to get outside as it's summer, I turned the corner and hit something hard, dammit I thought the wall ended there. I looked up and gasped, shit, he is not a wall! I just walked into Hunter Jacob, the bad boy of our school. There's rumours he's in a gang, not only that but he has killed people before and a big player!

"Hey? Are you okay?" His voice was deep, rough as well, I signed forgetting he doesn't know sign language

I'm sorry, I-I wasn't looking where I was going, my hands froze for a second because of my nerves, I quickly walked away and went to the big oak tree that hide me from the rest of the students. Someone's voice made me jump, the voice was angry,

"OI, I asked if you where okay and you ignored me!" I timidly looked up and again Hunter was starting down at me, I quickly got my notepad and wrote in the back

I'm sorry, he raised an eyebrow, he was about to speak until his mates walked over and spoke,

"Dude, what you doing with the mute girl?" He looked at me and spoke

"That true, your mute?" I nodded, he spoke again

"Why?" All his mates turned to me thinking the same thing, his friends are called Swayer and Blake. I wrote in my notepad again,

Because I am, his lips curved into a slight smile, and his friends all laughed Blake spoke

"Damn that girls got guts" Missy's voice came out of know where, it made me jump

"LILLY!" She ran and jumped on top of me, I fell over with impact, I signed to her

What the hell Missy! she laughed

"I'm sorry, anyway who you talk-" her eyes went big as she looked at Blake, Swayer and Hunter, she signed the rest

Why are you talking to them!

They came to me,

But it's them! I giggled

I know, Hunter followed me when I accidentally bumped into him, you know how clumsy I am, she nodded

So why are they still here? I shrugged, she turned to them

"Urm, c-can I ask why you are here?" They all looked at Hunter who licked his lips

"I was wondering why she didn't apologise and just ran away"

"Oh, she said she's sorry about that, you see Lilly here is like a clumsy duckling" I rolled my eyes, just as the bell went, they walked behind us to class which to be honest creeped me out a bit.


At the end of the day, I walked quickly to pick Caiden up and was just about to rush home when someone shouted my name

"LILLY!" I turned to see Hunter and his friends running over to us, I looked at Caiden who looked worried, I tried to smile to say it will be okay, Hunter spoke,

"Who this?" I got my phone out and typed on notes,

My little brother Caiden, why are you here? I passed him my phone and he read it, then done sometimes else, I raised an eyebrow, and tried to get my phone but he held me away by placing his hand on my forehead, once he was done he passed it me back, I glared and he smiled, I looked at my phone to see what he did and I noticed he only put his number in my phone and texted himself so he could have my number, Caiden's voice made me jump

"Sis, we have to go, he will be mad" his voice held worry, and his eyes shown fear, I gasped and grabbed his hand and semi ran with Caiden, I messaged Hunter in the way,

Sorry, I'm late for something. ~ ToHunter

No Problem. ~ FromHunter

Me and Caiden finally got home, I closed the door and we quietly walked towards the stairs, dads angry voice shouted us, you see mom works afternoons and dad works morning.

"Your late you little bastards! Where the hell have you been?" He came round the corner, I gulped, I gently pushed Caiden up the stairs, once he was up the stairs he looked back, I shook my head and did a shooing motion, he ran to his room and locked the door, I turned just as dad pulled my hair, I gasped in pain and he threw me into the wall, I slid down in pain.

"What have I told you about being late!" I gulped, he walked over and kicked me in the stomach, until it was hard for me to breathe, then he picked me up by the hair and growled as he spoke,

"Never be late, or I will do more then brake your ribs bitch!" Dad always made sure he never got my face or hands or legs, so no one will no what he does. I looked towards the stairs to see Caiden standing there with tears rolling down his eyes, I bite my lip to stop myself screaming, dad smiled evilly knowing he got some emotion out of me, he spoke

"Now get up stairs, were having a takeaway, I will call you when it's here" he walked off, I slowly sat up wincing in pain, I crawled up the stairs and Caiden followed me into my room, I closed the door and locked it, my room had a bathroom attached, I walked in and got the first aid kit and slowly bandaged around my stomach to help hold my ribs in place. I walked back into my my room to see Caiden crying, I pulled him into my arms wincing when he nudged my ribs, he cried in my arms and I stayed quiet, hugging him as tightly as I could which wasn't much.

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