Mute Girl, Bad Boy .... CH.19

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My phone buzzing made me turn from my laptop and look at it resting next to Milly, I debated moving because I was comfy on my bean bag, it went of again indicting it was a call, I groaned then crawled to my phone answering it,




"So Im at this place, and there's two people and they seem to be fighting, and I think the reason maybe you?"


"Hunters arguing with this person, Xavier I think his name is, he said something about you to hunter and boom! Hunter went mad"

"Please tell me your not in the underground fighting place ash!"

"I'm not in a underground fighting place?" He said hesitantly

"ASH! What the hell are you doing there?"

"Don't ash me, I should be the one saying ANNA! How the hell do you know where I am!"

"I.. you..maybe... Urgh I've been there a few times!"


"I went with hunter, Blake and Swayer"


"I told you what happened"

"You didn't tell me that asshole brought you here! What the hell was he thinking!"

"We'll he kinda didn't bring me there I sorta kinda followed him"



"Okay just get your skinny cute ass here and stop this fight" I sighed,

"Okay dad" he laughed and ended the call, I got changed from my pjs into a some casual clothes and said bye too mom, Caiden, Cole and poppy, yeah Poppy's now decided she's best friends with Cole and Caiden because they stuck up for her when some bully's picked on her on her first day.

I walked into the underground and Ashton spotted me and ran over pulling me threw the crowd, hunter and Xavier where facing eachother with anger on both of there faces, Xavier spoke,

"What's wrong Hun? Lost your little princess?"

"Shut the fuck up Xavier you don't know anything!"

"Oh I don't? I know you crushed her little heart on the night of your date with a single little text, then you told your bros to stay away form her, leaving her with no one" hunters fists tightened and Xavier smirked knowing he got to him, wait how did he know it was over a text?

"So? I did it for her! I did it so you would leave her alone!" He gasped,

"Oh has your princess not told you?"

"Told me what?"

"I own her" hunter grabbed his shirt,

"What the hell do you mean you own her?"

"Simple she does as i tell her or she gets punishment, she follows my commands without hesitation, I can do anything I want to her because no one cares, no one notices, she's a nobody to everyone around her"

"What have you done to her!"

"Oh you know the causal punch here and there, use her when I want" I flinch, Ashton notices and looks at me with confusion,

"Anna?" I felt a tear roll down my face, I shook my head and Gabe walks forward and whispers in Xaviers ear and he smirks then looks at me, I shrink back into Ashton's ams, he wraps his arms around me protectively, hunter looks at me and his facial expression goes shocked, then sadness, to regret and finally confusion. Xavier speaks,

"Come here princess" I hesitantly shake my head, his eyes swirl with anger and his tone goes cold,

"Get here before I do something I may regret later!" I gulped and went to walk over to him but Ashton stopped me, he glared at Xavier,

"She ain't going no where near you!" Xavier looked at him with confusion, then recongonisation, then looked at me with amusement,

"Your little boy toy sticking up for you?" This time I glared, ash sneered.

"I'm her friend idiot, anyways I won't allow you to go near Anna again!" XAvier spoke,

"Oh and how are you going to stop me?" Hunter spoke up,

"He's with us" Xavier snarled at me

"This isn't over Kitten, Your going to pay" I shivered in fear as a tear fell down my face. Xavier and his gang left while hunter looked at me with him, Blake, Swayer and missy all walking to em and Ashton, the crowd have gone back to what they was sound before, ignoring us now there's no commotion.

"Lilly?" Hunter spoke and I glared and turned to leave but Ashton stopped me,

"What do you want hunter?" Hunter looked at him,

"I want to talk to Lilly, now please leave"

"Nope" he popped the 'p' when he said no, hunter glared then spoke to me,

"Be at my house at 7. Alone where going to talk about this" I hesitantly nodded and pulled ashton away with me.


We got back to mine and we watched movies, ashton spoke first,



"What did that jerk Xavier do to you? "

"He just pushed me around" he sighed,

"Now I know could I see your your brusises, to make sure you don't need a medical cheek" I nodded and removed my jumper, but left my strap top on, but slightly lifted it so he could see my stomach, my arms and I went into the wardrobe and changed into pj shorts, then walked out his eyes has sadness in, he ran over and hugged me,

"I'm so so so sorry Anna" I sighed

"It's fine, I've had worse" he looked at my blue and black bruised body with anger and sadness,

"I'll promise to protect you when I can Anna" I smiled sadly

"Thank you ash" he smiled and looked at the clock,

"Anna it's time for you to go to the other jerks house" I looked at the clock 6:32, I sighed got changed back into skinny jeans then left, Ashton promised to be there when I got back, both him and poppy are staying the night.


I knocked and hunter answered the door And nodded for me to come in, I walked in and walked into the front room sitting on the sofa, no one else was here yet, he crouched in front of me.

"Lilly, what has Xavier done to hurt you?" I looked away and spoke

"Why do you care?"

"Because I do alright!" He stood as he said this and started pacing,

"Why hunter, you hurt me so what's the difference huh? All of you have, even my best friend for her boyfriend, and Blake! You all hurt me!" He stopped pacing and face me,

"We did it for you! We did it because we thought Xavier would leave you alone if we did! And we thought if I got with that slut Megan hen he'd go after her not you"

"Wow that worked out so greatly didn't it? Megan got my friends, while I got beaten up because of you"

"Lilly please I'm sorry, I promise I'll make it up to you, I didn't know this would happen!"

"We'll it did hunter, you all left me" I stood and went to walk out but hunter wrapped his arms around me from the back and pulled me into his chest resting his head on mine,

"Please Lilly, don't go" I felt tears roll down my face, I pushed away from him and started running back home I heard him shout,

"LILLY PLEASE I FUCKING LOVE YOU!" I sobbed and kept running until I was back in my room with Ashton's arms around me as I cried in his arms.

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