Mute Girl, Bad Boy .... CH.15

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I pulled Caiden towards me and slightly stood in front of him, mom stood in front of us and Hunter stood in front of us all, dad sneered and spoke,

"Poppy where here to take custody of one of our children, seems it's to greedy to keep both" mom glared and spoke with venom in her voice,

"You will never go near my children ever again Mike, or you Zena, I'll make sure you both rot in hell when I'm finished with you, no one, I mean no one ever messes with my children and gets away with it!" My eyes widened Hunter had laughter in his eyes at moms words and Caiden started giggling quietly trying to make the situation less tense, Zena sneered and stood forward

"I'm not a bitch poppy, your the worthless bitch, I mean how could you not realise your husband was beating the shit out of you child, not only that how did you not realise he was cheating on your low life ass with me, he only used you for your money, he's been with me since high school bitch!" Mom laughed with no emotion,

"Oh i know he was cheating on me, ever wondered why my bank accounts are not a shared account, I just didn't want to spit our family up, I wanted the children to have a male role model, but that choice was a bad decision one I will dearly regret, what I won't regret is sending both our arses to rot in jail, and watch your language in front of my children" dad moved forward hugging Zena,

"I'm warning you poppy I will take custody of at least one of my children!"

"Oh yeah you and what army?" He stiffened and mom smiled until someone spoke behind us, we all turned to see a man in a business suit, I recognised him from when I was forced to go with Zena, he was the man she was making out with, he smiled and you could the see the twinkle of evil in his eyes,

"Me, I will be there lawyer" mom glared at him, I snapped

"You be there lawyer and I'll tell your wife what you have been doing behind her back!" His eyes widened and he looked at Zena,

"She has no proof John, it's our word against hers, and you know if you don't I will tell your wife, and you know I actually have witnesses" I glared so did mom. Dad spoke again,

"We will meet again in court Poppy" they walked off and mom sighed, then put on a fake smile,

"Come on then my babies let get home and cooking" she turned to Hunter,

"That means you too Hunter" he chuckled and nodded.


Once we got home and and Caiden sighed, he spoke first,

"Wow sis this is the first time in like 5 years I have felt comfortable" I nodded and kissed his head, mom spoke

"You kids do what you want while I start cooking, Lilly is your friend missy coming, and Caiden your friend Cole? If they are make sure Hunter beings a few of his friends too" I spoke back

"Okay mom, I'll invite them, do you want help with dinner"

"No no no, I'll be just fine sweetie, don't worry" she went of into the kitchen and started humming as she made dinner, Caiden was messaging Cole straight away and went to him room to play in his game, me and Hunter went into my room, he messaged Swayer and Blake, and I messaged Missy. Me and Hunter turned to each other as we both finished texting, he smiled

"I like your mom babe" I blushed and smiled

"Yeah she's amazing" he laughed at my blushing face and pinched my cheeks making me squeal and push him away causing us both to burst into laughter when he fell of the bed, he sat up and pouted,

"Lilly you owe me a kiss to make me better" I laughed and leaned over and lightly kissed his lips and just as he was about to lean in more i pulled away smiling innocently, he pouted again,

"Tease" I laughed until he stood and smiled slyly, I gulped

"Two can play at that game" I started crawling backwards, I laughed and pulled me back by my feet and leaning over me using his elbow to keep his weight of me, he smiled down at me,

"Looks like your in trouble Lilliana" I giggled and tried to get out from under him but he put his spare hand on my waist securing me there, I shivered when his hand rested on the bare skin on my hip where my shirt had ridden up, he leaned forward and kissed my jaw, then moved up to my lips I smiled and kissed back, he bit my lip asking for entrance, I giggled again when he growled when I didn't let him, he looked up at me with a raised eyebrow, I smiled and he glared playfully, then moved his hand down and pinched my thigh I gasped and he took advantage of that and put his lips back on mine and put his tongue in my mouth, once his tongue started fighting for dominance with mine, I moaned quietly making Hunter smiled against my lips then started kissing down my jaw then down my neck, he stopped when he got to the spot that meet my shoulder and started gently nibbling, making me take a quick intake of a breathe as tingles of pleasure spread threw my body. Moms voice shouting up the stairs made us jump apart,

"Lilly the doors going could you get it please honey?" I cleared my throat,

"Okay mom" I looked at a hunter who was smiling at me, I raised an eyebrow and he pointed to my neck, I quickly went to the mirror and gasped, I had a love bite on my neck, and it was HUGE! I squealed

"Hunter!" He just smiled, and passed me my foundation from the side, I quickly put it on and ran downstairs to the door, I opened it to see Cole, he ran past after saying hello and blushing, and then came in the trio, Swayer and missy walked in first and went straight to the front room, after missy said hello to mom, and Blake who picked me up and squeezed me,

"Minnie, can't wait to meet your mom, I bet she's awesome like you and cooks good food" he rubbed his stomach and followed after the rest.


We was all at the table, eating Blake spoke first,

"Poppy you are a wonderful cook" she smiled happily,

"I'm glad you like it, you guys should come more often, it's nice to see Lilly and Caiden's bring friends over, plus it means I can cook for more people." Mom turned to missy and smiled cheekily,

"Sooo missy, I see this young boy here is your boyfriend" missy blushed

"Poppppppy" mom laughed making the rest of us laugh when she hide her red face in swayers shoulder, his face was full of laughter and he had to put his fist to his mouth so he wouldn't start laughing, mom spoke

"Sorry I didn't mean to embarrass you honey" mom giggled again and missy laughed,

"Sure you didn't" she smiled at my mom, then mom got serious and glared at Swayer, me and missy bit our lips to stop from laughing knowing what was coming, swayers eyes widened and he looked at me and Hunter for help, Hunter now had his fist to his lips to stop from laughing,

"You darlin' hurt my not blood related daughter, I will hunt you down and let just say i wont be nice" Swayer gulped and missy laughed making the rest of us laugh including mom, Swayer spoke,

"Don't worry Poppy I won't hurt your not blood related daughter, I really like her" mom smiled and leaned over to kiss his cheek,

"That's my boy" then mom turned to me and Hunter I gulped and Hunter placed his hand in my thigh to calm me down,

"Lilllllly" she sang

"Yeah ma?"

"What's this I seen right here?" She pointed to her neck just where my love bite would be,

" I have no idea what your on about mom?" I'm sure it was covered, she grinned

"Really then why is there a love bite on your neck?" I blushed,

"And only Hunter as had the chance to give me one" she raised an eyebrow at us curiously, I felt Hunters hand tighten on my thigh to say it's okay,

"Mom I-" Hunter spoke'

"Poppy I want to ask your permission to take Lilliana on a date, that's if you approve?" Mom squealed happily and nodded, I stated at Hunter in shock

"You-y-you want to go on a date with me?" Hunter smiled and kissed my cheek while whipeing in my ear,

"Yeah if you want to?" I smiled and kissed his lips happily, he chuckled,

"I'll take that as a yes"

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