Champions Ch01 - Roster

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Chapter 01 - Roster

"Make the right decision."

Walking down the street, I found a bit of peace. The house was too loud and not nearly active enough for that noise. So I slipped out and played some music, trying to balance this stuff out.

I found the shop I usually sit inside of when I slip away from my house. I am here often enough that I know the names of all employees by name, and they know mine. One of them, Jessica, was generally nice enough to give me small cup of coffee or a few donut holes, free of charge. And I usually talk to Mark when he takes his fifteen minute break.

This time, though, nobody had really noticed me walk in. It is okay since the shop is very busy. More so than usual, actually. Must be a party by the looks of it. Lots of balloons and a few cakes had hinted towards that.

"Oh, hey Sam." Mark greeted, sitting next to me.

"Hey, what's good?" I returned. I turned my music down and pulled out one of my headphones so I could listen to him talk.

"Not much, but I notice that you have been coming here more often." He answered. He pulled out stick of gum and popped it into his mouth.

"Yeah..." I started. Thinking of what to say for a moment brought nothing to my mind. "I don't know why, exactly." I do this so often, I figured it was usual.

After a long silence, Mark had started to speak, "Well, you better get home." He said. Getting up to return to work, he spat his gum into a nearby trashcan and left.

I got up, put the headphones back in, and left the establishment.

Everyone was heading away from the square, but I hardly cared. I was too busy focusing on the song. It was a good song, one of my favorites.

I started to wonder about the most useless questions ever. Like why a diamond is so sought out, being as common as they are, when emeralds are so much more rare? Or why men have nipples. Only the most important questions roll through this head.

Suddenly, nobody was in front of me.

I heard someone's voice booming over the crowd, figuring that it was a concert I somehow snuck into. I heard the voice more clearly as a light passed over the crowd, coming closer to where I was. I ignored most everything, but when the man next to me answered "No," I figured I could just be funny and answer yes.

My time came, and ignoring the question, I courageously said, "Yes." Heh, that was funny.

"Great, human! You are the first to accept! Come, quickly!" The deep voiced echoed. I was then surrounded by light and lifted slightly off the ground.

"How- Wha- Huh?" I was mistified. How on Earth am I flying? What could possibly make me fly? Then the light surrounding me changed from a blinding white light to a deep blue, and I no longer saw the crowd.


Regaining consciousness, I found I was in a large white room with lights coming out from underneath me.

"Ah, great for you to rejoin us. I hoped you weren't pulped by the teleportation." The same voice had said. This time, it didn't boom over a crowd, but it seemed to echo throughout my head. "You will be paired with a human with whom you have no relations."

As I looked over the room again, I found there was a second set of lights and that the lights had actually been beds. No wonder I was so comfy.

"May I ask this human's name?" I asked. I was confused. Maybe I should have said no, I mean, I wouldn't be here now. I have school to worry about, and family, friends! Well...

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