Champions Ch03 - Alien

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Ch03 - Alien

"The Universe is so infinite that it is impossible for Earth to harbor the only intelligent life."

I woke up, seemingly minutes later. The only thing that told me otherwise was the fact that I wasn't on the ship anymore. I sat up and looked around, finding myself in another (white) room. I was suspended in the air somehow, so I couldn't move around the room.

A weird disfigured shape walked into the room... well, slithered. It had four tentacle legs and two triple jointed arms. It was slim with two long tails, also. The head is kind of hard to explain, though. It was sort of... uh... not there. It looked as though it had no head.

The creature moved closer to me and moved one of its hands, which I noticed had seven fingers each. It squeaked and the light changed from white to yellow. A weird feeling shot through my abdomen, almost like I was starving but full at the same time.

The alien had observed me for several minutes. Then, with another wave of the alien's hand, the light changed from yellow to blue. The feeling in my stomach had left, but now I felt a searing pain in my chest. I felt like I had lava pumping through my veins, and that is putting it lightly.

The alien let the pain happen for only a few seconds before he changed what happened again. Now I was enveloped in a green light which seemed to sooth me. I looked over to the alien, and it squeaked angrily. Maybe it didn't want me moving.

Suddenly, the green light turned white again, and I dropped to the floor. Immediately, I stood up and observed more of the room. It was quiet, and had a lot of equipment on one side. The door closed as the alien left, and I was alone again. At least I was free to move.

The table had loads of medical tools, or what might be medical tools. Honestly, I hoped they were just making sure that nothing was broken.

I can't sleep, train, or talk to somebody. I guess I should think, then. That is quite dangerous, though. It feels like something bad will happen if I think.

As soon as I sat down, the alien came back into the room and motioned me towards the door, making stern sounds. I looked at it and the door for a moment and walked out. It followed me and directed me down a hall. Why was everything a bright white?

Eventually, I came into a large room that actually had a sort of color. There were reds and blues and greens and yellows. There were a lot of walls, too. They seemed to make a sort of cover. I wonder what they'll be having me do.

"Sam! You will be fighting four different species. You will reside in the Green arena. Study the area and learn everything about it. Each arena has certain attributes. You can have good and bad ones, but you will not be affected negatively in your home field. Green is grassland. Yellow is desert. Blue is water. Red is... bad. You do not want to step in the Red Arena." The voice was different than on the ship.

I stepped into the arena and walked over to the green area. It was large, but it didn't really seem like grass. It was just a green arena. It seems like there is a mountainous area in the back, so I could try and use that to my advantage.

There really wasn't much to study. I am guessing they planned on it not taking long, since three other aliens teleported into the room. There was one that landed in the red, one in the blue, and one in the yellow.

The one in the red area was a darker-skinned alien. It looked around and shrugged, which was surprising with how much bulk it seemed to have. It didn't really have any bones, everything moved so easily. It was definitely going to be a challenge going against this one.

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