Champions Ch05 - Openings

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Ch05 - Openings

"Open doors will always bring you something, but not always good things."

I could be given any one thing in the universe that I wanted. I could go home, forget that this all happened. I could get the answers to everything in the universe. There are some problems to the wishes I want: I can't use them. I can't leave Alex and Grace alone. I can't use Quantum Entanglement in a training situation. Wait...

"Could I ask for an AI set up in my armor when I create it?" I asked. Not only could I use the AI, so could the rest of my team. I might even be able to use it to contact Earth, my family and friends. I could use the AI for everything I might need.

"Yes, you may have an AI. Would you like an AI?" The voice replied.

"Yes." I answered, "A smart AI, one of those self-aware ones."

Suddenly, a weird contraption was floating in front of me. I grabbed it and was teleported.


I was able to do the teleportation flawlessly now, as long as I didn't move. I didn't black out at all, no pain, no aches.

"Sam!" Alex called. I looked over to see Alex and Grace racing towards me.

Grace tackled me to the ground and Alex stood over us to make sure neither of us were hurt. I was sort of expecting to be punched, but that didn't happen.

"We were worried. Some a lot more than others, but worried." Alex explained. That seems obvious. "What happened?" He asked.

"Get Grace off and I can tell you." I told him, gasping between words. For someone with almost no muscle or fat, she was heavier than I could've thought.

"Sorry." She said, helping me up. "I am just happy that you're okay."

"I am happy that you two are okay, too. Maybe I could tell you all the story while we try and make some armor? Do something?" I suggested, not sure I could just stand idly. I wanted to get a wrist piece made, get the AI installed, and call my brother.

"Sounds good." Alex agreed. Grace nodded. With that, we walked up to the forge and I began to tell them the short story of what happened.


Mere minutes later, I finished the story. I finally knew what I wanted the AI to be installed into. The thing was, I couldn't lift it alone. Once I could lift it alone, however, I couldn't fit into the gauntlet. A lot of training will be needed so that I can make this armor. So I simply continued carving out my chest piece.

"So what do you plan to do with the AI?" Grace asked. She was carving a helmet; sleek and thin. Perfect for a mage.

"I plan on using it for all sorts of things. Helping us in tournaments, helping us outside the ship, contacting Earth." I explained.

"Contact Earth? How would we do that? We passed through a wormhole, remember?" Alex asked. He was right, we did pass through something. Though it wasn't a worm hole, a black hole.

"A black hole, but yeah. I see where you're all getting at. But I'm positive these aliens have figured out how to communicate through those. I mean, they figured out almost everything in the universe." I explained. My idea maybe crazy, but it was crazy enough to work, right?

I looked over to Alex to see what he was making. A close look proved he was making gauntlets.

"So, Sam, how do you feel about our situation?" Grace asked, breaking our silence. "I can't really tell. You seem to have been so fine with being abducted and recruited for a war that isn't even ours. I mean, why are we here?" She had a point.

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