When we got home my mom took Hannah and Beau back to their house and they both got a shouted at.
I got into bed and my mind went back to the memories in Paris, I remember when Tommy took me on our first date, we went on a picnic it was so romantic. I fell in love with him at that moment.
I woke up a couple of times that night, I went to get a glass of water when it was 6am.. I got back into bed and lay there for about half an hour but I couldn't get back to sleep.
I went down stairs and watched some tv. I was watching Icarly, I used to watch it when I was ten.
I decided to get dressed and ready for school and I was ready in half an hour, I know it's mad. I normally take about an hour! I texted my friends to get up and get dressed for school and meet me at the park at 7:30.
I rote my mom and dad a note to say where I was going. I went out the door and made my way to the park around the corner. I met my friends there and told them that I still wasn't over jack, I really wanted to because I didn't wanna reck our friendship.
"I really don't now what to do, so what shall I do." I said.
"Just tell him, I think he likes you to." Beau said
"I can't he has a girlfriend, that I tried to get him with her." I huffed
"Trust us just tell him and he will understand." Hannah said with a smile on her face
"I dunno?" I said
At 8am we started to walk to school and then I saw jack, Hannah and beau told me to go up to him and tell him the truth, so I ran to try and catch up to him.
"Hi jack, how you doing." I said as I was sweating
"Hi, not good but thanks for asking." Jack said with a sad face on him
"What's a matter jack." I asked
" I have just Brocken up with my girlfriend." Jack said
"What why." I said while I was trying not to cheer and dance about
"She cheated on me with this other stupid boys." Jack said
"Oh, I'm really sorry, will you just hang on a second please." I said
" ye sure" jack said