"Do you now what Jessica, I have had to put up with you for 5 years but no more" Isabella shouted
"Excuse me, who do think you are going around saying that!" Jessica said while looking around
"Errm Isabella, I can't go around saying what!
You have said worst stuff to me, so don't you go around stirring stuff and when I haven't done anything to you" said izzy really mad!
"Izzy just leave it, okay" beau said
"Okay, let's go" Isabella said just trying to calm down
So we just walked out of the gate on the park when Jessica shouted ....
"Where you going, you low life cow"
"Right that's it" Isabella shouted
She ran over to her and punched her right in the nose!
"Ooooooooooooooo, fight, fight, fight, fight!" everyone shouted
Everything just kicked off...