Case 0: Initiation.

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"Mama! Mama!" The shrill scream wakes the sleeping woman, rousing her instantly from sleep. "Mama, help!"

She stumbles from the bed, the blankets scattered on the floor in her mad dash to answer her children's pleas.

"Mommy!" The screams came from both of her children's rooms.

She threw open her bedroom door, the dark wood slamming into the wall and undoubtedly denting it. She didn't care.

"Yuki! Akashi!" Her screams bounce off the walls.

Her sons room is closest and she throws the door open. He's crying in his bed, the blankets curled around him. There's nothing in the room, but she goes over and plucks him from the bed. She runs back to the door where the children's nanny meets her.

"Madame, what's happening?" The gray haired woman asks frantically as she closes her robe.

"Take, Akashi!" She says with no hesitation, passing her son off to the older woman. She runs next door, where she all but kicks the door open, and her fear turns to rage.

"Release my daughter!"


"Mommy, where are we going?" Asked the young, black haired child, who held her tired mother's hand as they walked through the City.

"We're going to someone who can help us," The mother, known as Suki Nishimuru, told her daughter with a smile.

"With the ghosts?" Her mother's smile faltered as she picked up the young girl.

"Yes, Yuki. They will help with the ghosts." She glanced up at the building across the street, and then to the cross signal. One more crosswalk, and they would be there.

"How is your brother doing?" She asks as the signal turns white, letting them cross. Her daughter rests her head of short hair on her shoulder as she wraps her small arms around her Mother's neck.

"He's sleeping," She says finally, "He's laying in his bed and dreaming."

"That's good," She rubs her daughter's back, "At least he's safe."

".... Are we safe, Mommy?" Her daughter whispered as they begin climbing the steps of the building. Suki stops walking on the balcony, outside the door, and hugs her daughter tightly.

"I'm going to protect you, Honey. You're always safe with me," She tells her on a whisper.

"Okay, Mommy," Her daughter dozed off.

Suki smiled as she places a kiss to her daughters head, and raises her hand to knock on the door.


Mai's Pov~


Knock! Knock!

"I'm coming!" She sets the papers she was holding down as she rushes to the door. Opening it revealed a woman carrying a young child. She looked to be in her thirties, her black hair hanging loosely in waves down her back, and her brown eyes had barely noticeable bags under them. She was dressed in a pant suit, with a light pink blouse.

"Good afternoon," Mai greeted, "Please, come in." She motions inside, opening the door wider for the woman to step in.

"Thank you," She says with exhaustion. She comes in and sits on the couch, leaning back with a sigh.

Mai cocked her head at the behavior. She was acting very, familiar, with the place.

"Can you please tell Mr. Davis that I am here for a consultation," She spoke up, startling Mai in more ways than one.

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