(1) Case 1: Day Haunting

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"Bless you," Suki said turning her gaze to the young brown haired assistant.

"Thank you," Mai said as she rubbed her arms, "It's a bit cold."

"Yes, I'm afraid no matter how much we try, we can never raise the temperature from where it's at."

"And what is that?" Mr. Davis questioned.

"11 degrees Celsius."

"I see," He wrote that down. "Miss Nishimuru, if we are to conduct a full investigation, we must investigate all rooms with activity. Can you please tell us which one's these are?"

"Suki, please," She corrected him. She thought for a moment, "The rooms would be the cellar, where wine racks fall over, the attic where thumping is heard as if something is moving, the dining hall where chairs move, the second floor hallway where the walls rattle, the front door, where people knock but when answered no one is there. In the kitchen there has been strange noises and people have been shoved around, which is very dangerous."

"Is that all?" He asked as he wrote everything down. She shook her head.

"No, then there's the master bathroom on the second floor, where the tub fills by itself and overflows. We installed a draining system, but it doesn't seem to be helping in the slightest. And finally, there's myself and the children's rooms.'

"But," She continued, "Then there's the outside of the manor. The playset out back was flipped over one day, and after it was set up right again, the next day it was flipped again. It's feet are cemented into the ground now. The sandbox will empty and every last grain of sand will be sat around it in a circle. The patio furniture will be thrown around the yard, and the furniture from the second floor balcony is thrown over the railing during the day, which is why it's now been removed and the balcony isn't used anymore. The back shed, which is always locked, will sit open, and sounds can be heard from within, as if someone is working, but there's never anyone there."

"Is that all?" He asked as he wrote everything she said down. She hesitated, but shook her head.

"No, there is one more thing," She took a steadying breath, "About two weeks ago, Akashi, my youngest, woke up in the middle of the night, and somehow made it to the back yard, despite the doors being locked," She placed a hand over her mouth, "He fell in the pool. I barely got there in time."

"You rescued him?" Mr. Davis asked looking at her. She nodded. "How did you know he was there?"

"My daughter, Yuki, told me."

"And how did she know?"

"She heard him."

"... I see."

She placed a hand to her head, her eyes unfocusing for a moment.

"Suki?" She snapped out of it to meet worried brown eyes, "Are you alright?"

"Yes," She whispered, "Yes, I'm sorry. I'm just tired."

"Maybe you should lie down," Mai offered.

"No!" She raised her voice, but quickly recovered, "No, I'll be fine. I'm sorry." She apologized for her behavior.

"Suki," She glanced to Mr. Davis, "I'm afraid that we haven't enough camera's for every room you have mentioned," He informed.

"O-Oh," She stood up straight, as if whatever had happened previously wasn't bothering her, "Would you like me to provide you with the equipment then?"

"Oh, no!" Mai was the one to answer her, "The camera's we work with are very expensive, we couldn't ask that much of you." Suki smiled at her.

"Hon, that's real sweet of you, but don't worry. I own the company which manufactures your boss' equipment."

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