(3) Case 1: Midnight Pleas

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"You can't get up yet, Ma'am," The Doctor warned Suki, " You could collapse any moment-"

"I'm fine, Doctor," She stood, "I'm not protecting my children now," She clenched her fists as she stormed from the infirmary, "They're out of my reach." She walked the halls of her home swiftly, ignoring any and all who attempted to speak with her. When she passed the SPR office the doors opened instantaneously, but she ignored it.

"Suki," Mai said in surprise, "Are you alright? What are you-"

"I don't have time," The empowered woman said before entering her room.

Once alone, she changed quickly. Now clad in her work attire of black form fitting dress pants, and a white button down blouse with the sleeves rolled to the elbow, she tied her hair back into a braid, and grabbed her boots, slipping them on over her pant leg so they stopped up her calves.

She walked out in the hall, and now everyone was watching her from the Base doorway.

"Are you going somewhere, Miss Nishimuru?" Mr. Davis asked from the doorway.

"I'm going to find my children," She informed without hesitation.

"B-But, we don't know where they are!" Mai argued, "We have surveillance set up, so we're all prepared to move at any time-"

"It doesn't matter," They were following her as she descended the grand stairs, "I'm not going to rest until they're found." She walked on the first floor to the room that housed her office, removing a bronze key from her pocket, and unlocking the solid door. Inside was different then how any of the guests had imagined.

There was a large desk that sat in front of solid bay windows that were covered currently with dark green curtains. The desk had three laptops sat on it, and a large monitor, as well as many piles of paperwork and a pile of books of varying thickness and age. The walls were lined with bookshelves, some holding books, and some holding various objects, ranging from jars holding curious objects and liquids, to vases, to pencil holders, to strange equipment. 

Also, multiple cameras were set up on tripods through out the room, two of them running. But, this wasn't the most peculiar thing. The strangest thing about this room, was the large metal table pushed up against the far wall, holding all sorts of an array of science equipment. The room was a disaster yet, it looked purposeful. As if all of this mess was used constantly, and therefore exactly how it was supposed to be.

"Don't touch," She warned as she went to her desk and sat down, her fingers flying to one of the laptops keyboards, but her eyes on another's screen, "I don't need anything broken."


Mai's Pov~


This wasn't the same woman who had hired them four days before. That woman lived in fear for her children. That woman hired strangers to save her children.

This woman was different. This woman wasn't afraid. She was fighting for her children, and she wasn't asking for help to do so. This woman was a fighter, and she was strong.

But, the question was, was she strong enough?


Suki's Pov~


"Do not touch, Monk," Suki looked up from her laptop as her fingers ceased moving and she stood. He lowered his hand from where he was going to touch a large jar of.... something.

She pulled another key from her pocket and inserted it into the top drawer of her desk. She pulled it open, it's contents not moving an inch from where they rested in black foam. She grabbed the utility belt from within and wrapped it around her waist, quickly pulling out the black gun resting within and putting it in its holster.

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