(2) Case 1: Night Bargain

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Mai's Pov~


"They're asleep," Naru closed the door to the Base, "John is watching over them."

"Okay, so what exactly was all that about?" Monk asked from where he leaned on the table, "The children just freaked back there."

"We've gathered information about Ms. Nishimuru," Naru ignored the question, "Which may prove beneficial to the case at hand."

"Okay, like?" Stop being so vague, Naru!

"Like the fact that she is a P.I." He said as he held up his papers.

"Whoa,"Monk seemed impressed.

"What, you mean like as in 'Private Investigator'?" Ayako questioned.

"Yes," He laid the papers out on the table, "But, it also stands for something else." He pushed a paper into the middle of the table, letting everyone read it.

" 'Paranormal Investigator'?" Everyone shouted together.

"Apparently," He remarked.

"That may be why she knew your name," Mai pointed out.

"There's more," He said as he sifted through the piles, "Her name was familiar, though not on a personal note, to myself. And I couldn't figure out where until," he pulled out a book with a title unpronounceable, but written by Martin Davis.

"My Father mentions her in his book," He comments, "It's brief, but he mentions her as, 'An extraordinary mind filled with potential I've seen in few others.' Other than that there is no record of her name."

"So, what does this mean for the investigation?"

"It means there's more happening here than we know."


Suki's Pov~


The exhausted woman laid in bed, staring at her two children who had fallen asleep curled up with her. She reached out a hand and brushed a strand of dark hair back from Akashi's face.

'I won't let anything happen to you,' She leaned down and pressed a kiss to his head.

"Me neither Mama," Said a sleepy voice.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean for you to hear me," Suki whispered as her daughter sat up and she mirrored her actions.

"I'm won't let them hurt him," Her daughter continued, "They can't have my brother." Suki smiled at the determined, yet sleepy, look on Yuki's face. She leaned over the sleeping Akashi and pressed a kiss to the top of her daughters curly hair.

"You're a good big sister, sweetie," She whispered, "now go back to sleep." The bright eyed girl nodded and flopped backwards, instantly asleep once more.

Suki continued to watch her children, alternatively looking for any disturbing presence that may be nearby, and rubbing her stomach where her baby bump showed.

"I'll protect all of my children," She whispered, "No matter the cost."


"Ms. Nishimuru," Suki looked up from the book she was reading to her children. "I need to speak with you."

"Oh, of course," She closed the book and laid it down, "Go and play," She told the two young kids, "Suzume will watch you." She followed Mr. Davis from the room.

He lead her silently through the manor, to the room on the second floor where there equipment was set up. The instant the door closed behind her, he began speaking.

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