(4) Case 1: Eclipsing Time

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Mai's Pov~


"Suki? Suki, are you alright?"

Dark eyes slowly blinked open, and Mai let out a breath of relief. Her companion let out a low moan and moved her head slightly. Mai knelt to help her to a sitting position.

"Are you feeling, okay?" She asked, again.

"Yeah..." Suki placed a hand to her head, "Just a bit dizzy." She seemed disoriented. "H-How did you get us out of the land slide?"

"Um... I didn't," I hesitated, "I'm not sure how to say this, but-"

"Oh, we must be traveling."


Suki's Pov~


With the help of Mai, The dizzy woman was on her feet again, but she leaned on the girl for support.

"Traveling- do you know what this is then?"

"Yeah," Suki replied slowly, "but, it doesn't appear to be projection..."

"Astral projection?" Asked the young girl.

"Hmm..." Was the answer.

"Suki, are you sure you're alright?" Mai was growing concerned with the quiet adult.

She was fine, believe it or not. She didn't do this often, as it put strain on her mind, but when she did travel or, in some cases, astral project, it left her spirit feeling relaxed and calm. And she told Mai such.

"Okay... So where are we exactly?" Mai asked looking around.

Suki blinked and looked with her. There was no light aside from their two spiritual forms, and everything around them was pitch black.

"I think this was a safety measure," Suki whispered.

"A what?"

"OUr bodies are buried under a landslide right now," Suki informed, "Unconsciously, our spirits or rather, we, attempted to save ourselves," She let out a short, harsh chuckle, "Seems we're both rather smart, huh?"

"Yeah I guess so," She trailed off, "Suki?"


"If we left to save ourselves... Does that mean we'll die if we go back?"



"Who knows?" Shw pondered aloud, "but I think we're about to find out.


"Mai?" Miss Nishimuru? Can you hear me?"

Dark eyes blinked open.

There was a moment of peace before everything hit her at once. A moan of pain was pulled from her mouth as she felt the weight crushing in on her body. She couldn't pinpoint a specific point of pain, it enveloped her whole being.

A whimper of pain drew her attention from herself.

"Mai?" She whispered. She couldn't see anything; she was amazed they were even able to breath, they were packed in so tight.

"Y-yeah," Came a too quiet reply. Suki didn't dare move, for fear of everything caving in on them, and she found she couldn't in the first place. She was pushed up against Mai, protecting her from all the damage that would have been dealt otherwise.

"Sorry, hon," She said sympathetically.

"Ngh," Maybe she was wrong after all. Mai sounded like she was in pain, and Suki grew worried. She was panting too heavily.

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