(5) Case 1: Dusk Dawning

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Bright lights blinded Suki as she opened her sore eyes, causing her to blink rapidly in an attempt to stop the sting. She had been here too many times not to recognize her surroundings. It was a hospital.

"Suki," She turned her head, her vision blurring slightly before focusing on the young lady sitting next to her.

"Hello, Mai," She greeted.

Mai smiled widely and scooted her chair closer.

"It's nice to see you awake," Mai said before lowering her voice to a whisper, "Fair warning, Naru's in a bad mood."

"Mai, get out."

They both jumped as Mr. Davis appeared out of, seemingly, nowhere.

Mai didn't argue and instead winked once at Suki before leaving the room.

Mr. Davis took up the seat Mai had vacated.

"What happened?" He questioned bluntly.

It didn't take a genius to figure out what he was referring to. And, she wasn't one to play dumb.

"You have your notebook? This is going to be a lot of information."

He pulled it out and held it at the ready.

She smirked.

"Alright, then."


After walking for longer than she believed possible, how large could this plateau possibly be, she stumbled upon the run down ruins of an old manor. All that was left of what could have once possibly been a grand home, were piles of large stone strewn about the forest, nature having taking this spot back long ago.


"Yes, we learned about the manor after you and Mai pulled your little stunt and disappeared," He interrupted haughtily.

"Hush, child," Suki scolded, "and let me finish my story."


She could sense them the instant she stepped over once of the many unintentional stone barriers.

"Yuki!" She called out softly.

"Mommy!" Her children cried, and she found them cowering behind a wall of stone.

She dropped to her knees in front of them, checking them over as relief flooded her heart. They weren't hurt, and they were alive.

She let out a dry sob as they jumped up and hugged her tightly, and she wrapped her good arm around them.

"Oh, my God," She whispered, "I finally found you guys."

"Mo-" This reunion was short lived. Both her and Yuki sensed it at the same time, and Yuki grabbed her brother as Suki flew to her feet and spun around, lifting her good arm to stop the fist coming her way.

"I see you've found your way to my home," The man smirked, "And the children."

"MY children," She corrected with a snarl as she pushed his arm back and removed the knife from her boot.

He smirked.

"Our, children."

It clicked instantly.

"You're dead," She told him bluntly, "You're a spirit, and these children are living. You cannot raise them; you cannot take care of them."

"No!" He snapped, "They are mine! And you, my dearest Sayoko, are finally home."

"I'm not your wife," She told him again, "And these aren't your children."

He looked enraged.

"They're not here anymore," She told him again, adopting a more soothing tone, "They're waiting, though, they've always been waiting, and they always will be if you don't go to them-"

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