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"Check this out, mate."

Sam Philips threw a magazine down on the coffee table of Tom Felton's flat, but at the current moment, it was more of a foot rest than anything else. Sam had never been one to read celebrity gossip magazines, but this had caught his attention and he knew it would be of interest to Tom too. 

"You know I don't read that trash," Tom remarked, pushing it off the table with his foot without even glancing away from the T.V. "And how did you get in here anyway?"

"You need a new spot for your spare key." Sam reached into his pocket and threw the key at Tom's chest. His attention turned back to the magazine on the floor, which was currently being chewed at by Timber, Tom's chesapeake bay retriever. "Hey, stop that! Tommy boy needs to see that! Did you train her to eat these things or something?"

"No, but I should. Maybe I should train her to be a better guard dog too."

Sam was finally able to wrestle the tabloid out of the dog's teeth, but not without ripping it in half. There goes five pounds that I could have spent elsewhere. He thought. After giving Timber a glare, he decided to just throw the magazine at Tom. It had worked for the key, so why not now? It did work.

"Why the hell do you want me to read this so badly?" Tom asked, now a bit angry, but holding the magazine. That was all Sam wanted.

"Not so much read it as look on the front cover."

"If this is some story about Megan Fox, I swear to God, Sam. We all know you are infatuated with her, but showing us every article about her isn't -"

Tom froze mid sentence. There on the cover of the magazine was a beautiful brunette woman standing next to Robert Pattinson with the headline reading "NO MORE KRISTEN: Rob's new girl, McKenzie" in bright yellow letters. It didn't look like she had changed much aside from the obvious that came with aging: taller, thinner face - thinner everything really-, and different style. He hadn't heard from her in years and hadn't seen her either. This magazine proved a nice surprise.

"This isn't Megan Fox."

"I know," Sam smiled. "She's hot now isn't she? I mean she was hot back in secondary school, too, but now... woo, she is fit."

"I would've thought she wouldn't speak to Pattinson again..." Tom muttered. He had a deep hatred for the man after what Rob did to his relationship.

"Well, people grow up, you know. Maybe he's changed and he's not a complete dick anymore."

"It seems like she's changed too."

Tom now had the magazine open to the article about McKenzie and Rob. Within the first paragraph he found out that she had been posting covers of songs on YouTube and had landed a record deal with Capitol Records. Her first album was set to be released later that year. She had also landed a few more small T.V. acting roles and random modeling jobs. 

"Recording artist, model, actress... Why did we not keep in contact with this girl?"

Tom looked at his friend who seemed very interested in the magazine. Sam knew very well why they didn't keep in contact with McKenzie, but he just couldn't stop himself from saying that. It felt right at the moment.

"You've got a little drool there, Sam."

"Come on, man. You have to admit that she's attractive."

"I haven't said she isn't, I just don't really care what she's doing."

"If you didn't care, you wouldn't have opened the magazine."

Tom closed the tabloid quickly and threw it on the floor, not caring that Timber began to tear it to shreds. He really had no interest in what McKenzie was doing. Tom had his own life to deal with. Currently, he was busy promoting the first part of the final Harry Potter and he had to begin traveling soon. After that he had to begin promoting another movie, Rise of the Planet of the Apes, and finish filming another called The Apparition. It had been five years since he had seen McKenzie and her life now wasn't his to worry about. Besides, he had moved on.

"Thank you for showing that to me, Sam, but I really have no interest in McKenzie Brooks what-so-ever. Now, if you would excuse me, I'm going to be late for my date with my beautiful girlfriend."

"You going to tell Jade that you're ex-girlfriend is going to be played on her car radio soon?" Sam joked, grabbing to T.V. remote and plopping down on the couch where Tom had just been, acting as if he lived there. Basically he did lately, being in-between jobs.

"No, I wasn't exactly planning on it and I would appreciate it if you kept your mouth shut."

"My lips are sealed." Sam dragged two fingers along his lips as if zippering something shut.

"They'd better be. I'd better go now. Just try not to eat me out of all my food again, alright?"

Sam gave Tom a thumbs up and began to watch whatever had been on the T.V. already. Tom rolled his eyes and left his apartment for his date. Sam knew that he would be distracted now, but that was his job as the obnoxious, never-shuts-up friend. He would have found out at some point anyway. For now, he could just be reminded every time he found a magazine shredding around his house. Sam would help by taping McKenzie's name and face on Tom's refrigerator.

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