Chapter 2: After Party

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Rob placed thirty dollars on the bar and grabbed the two drinks he ordered for himself and McKenzie. She hadn't moved from the bar stool the whole after party and it looked like the the kind of party she would normally be having a blast at. It was no secret that McKenzie loved to party, and when she was in the right mood, he didn't want to miss the opportunity to be the one who was dancing behind her. That guy always got lucky and that guy had been him for the past six months. But now, she barely even smiled when she was handed her drink. McKenzie's eyes just kept scanning the dance floor.

Rob took a drink of his scotch. "Calm down, would you? Have a drink and get out on that dance floor like always. The best revenge is showing how happy you are."

McKenzie looked up at him. "Revenge for what?"

"Well, aren't you sulking about Tom?"

"No." Yes.

"Then what's wrong? You haven't even had a drink yet. You usually down those things."

"I'm just not in the mood right now."

"Come on, I can help fix that."

Rob drank what he had left in his glass and set it down on the bar, using his now free hands to grab onto one of McKenzie's. He was going to get her on that dance floor if it was the last thing he did that night. But of course if he succeeded, it wouldn't be the last thing he did that night.

"Rob, no." McKenzie complained, setting her untouched drink on the bar. "I'm seriously not in the mood."

Rob rolled his eyes. "Well, I'm sorry you're still hung up on a guy that you cheated on five years ago, but I'm going to have fun. I haven't seen some of these people in years and I think it's my turn to brag that I'm the star of a film franchise now and I have a smoking hot girlfriend."

Rob leaned in for a kiss but only received a head turn and, "You go then. Have fun." Disappointed and slightly pissed off, he walked away, leaving McKenzie alone at the bar. Everyone here knew that she was in a relationship. But when alcohol was involved that sometimes became a fact that was forgotten. Luckily, it wasn't. Although, Jade did seem slightly tipsy as she ran up to McKenzie.

"Oh my God, hey! Where's your boyfriend? I just saw him, didn't I?"

"He just left," McKenzie explained, moving her head with Jade's to try and get a good look at her pupils. Yup, definitely drinking, but not quite drunk yet. "Why aren't you with yours?"

"Oh, he's busy." Jade waved her arm dismissively and sat down on the stool that Rob had just gotten out of. 

"How long have you guys been dating?" McKenzie couldn't help her curiosity. 

"Since 2008, so what is that now?"

"Two years depending on what month it was."

"Yeah," she gushed in a dreamy tone. Suddenly, Jade seemed a lot more sober, although her eyes still didn't agree. "I absolutely love him. Like I told you earlier, I've had a few shitty boyfriends, but Tom... I couldn't have asked for a better guy. And he told me he's had some absolutely shitty girlfriends, too."

McKenzie's heart dropped. Sure she had messed up, but she wouldn't consider herself shitty. "Did he mention their names?"

"He said one's name was Olivia but didn't want to mention the other. I have no idea why."

McKenzie looked down at her lap and began to play with some of the lace detailing on her long, black dress. With her other hand she grabbed her drink and finally took a sip. "I bet they really regret it and they probably felt bad for a really long time. At least one of them anyway - the other one might be a bitch."

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