Chapter 23: The Trial

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"Hello, everybody, this is Shaun Robinson for Access Hollywood reporting live outside the New York County Courthouse where the divorce and domestic abuse case filed by McKenzie Brooks is currently taking place. Just last week, McKenzie finally revealed herself at the People's Choice Awards, where she was not only greeted by a multitude of ecstatic fans, but also a multitude of awards. The most obvious win of the night was for her fan base, the Kenzie Kats. It seems like they have been making trends on every social network known to man since their idol's return.

"News of the divorce hit the public almost as soon as McKenzie was spotted in public. She personally avoided talking to the press, but allowed her representatives to give a summary of the past month of the popstar M.I.A.

"'McKenzie felt it necessary to take a break from the public eye after recent events,' her manager, Devon Hall, reported. 'She needed time to herself to figure out how she would handle her current situation. A divorce is inevitable. Any farther charges she may press are still up in the air.'"

"Soon after this statement, news of domestic violence charges arose and were proven truthful when McKenzie came in contact with the best divorce by domestic violence lawyer in the New York area, Ted Rivera. Rivera has yet to comment on the situation, but will give a briefing to the media after the hearing takes place today. Another will follow tomorrow when the decision will be made if Jeffry Caughlin will or will not be sent to prison. Currently, he is being held on bail until an official prison sentence is made."

The doors to the courthouse burst open and the media began to swarm as participants and viewers of the Brooks versus Caughlin case exited the building. The eyes of the many media correspondents scanned the crowd, waiting for someone valuable to talk to. It seemed like most of the jury decided to exit at the same time. Then they spotted Jeffry. He exited with his lawyer, Frankie Nesbitt - a man he had hired more to lower his sentence than to clear his name altogether. The public already knew he was guilty. 

Jeff kept his head down while the reporters shoved microphones in his face, asking how the day went. Of course the day went horrible. What else would they expect to hear? He figured the silence would speak for itself as he climbed into the backseat of his waiting limo, ready to get away until the next day.

By the time Jeffry closed the door on the media, though, they had already left because McKenzie Brooks had begun to descend the stairs in the front of the building. Cameras and reporters alike rushed up the stairs like they were participating in a race to the top, just to catch up to McKenzie. Her bodyguards kept them at bay. The last thing she needed was to be bombarded with questions after she had already been called to witness on three different occasions during the trial. Of course she would say that he hit her every time. Why would the defense think any differently? Jeffry Caughlin hit her! There had been photographic evidence brought up for the jury and everyone else in the courthouse to see. McKenzie shivered at the thought of her face all battered and bruised. She hated the look on Tom's face as he sat in crowd even more. He and Ashley were the only ones that had showed up that didn't absolutely need to be there. 

McKenzie stopped at the foot of the stairs just like Devon had told her to do. Before she had left the building, Ted had told her what she could and could not say to the media. She hoped she remembered it in the moment.

"McKenzie! McKenzie! How did things go? Is Jeffry looking at a lot of jail time?"

"Right now, nothing is for sure," McKenzie began. She looked back over her shoulder at where Ted stood with Devon, Ashley, and Tom. He nodded, so she continued on the path she was headed. "Of course, what Jeff did to me was wrong in every way. Right now, just for what he has done, he will face one and a half years in prison. Additional fines for the felony will be determined at the end of the trial after all evidence and withstanding conditions have been given."

She paused to let the reporters know she had finished her answer. The next round of questions began to be fired off.

"What have you done with your ring?"

"I gave it back to Jeff. I placed it in front of him when I walked up to the witness stand. I don't want it, but I figure he could at least pawn it off to help pay his fines."

Another pause.

"What are you going to do once the trial is over and you are official divorced?" The reporter's eyes flashed to Tom. "Are you going to begin dating again right away?"

"Right now, my personal health is more of a concern than my dating life. I have obviously been through a lot the past couple of months and want to focus on making myself better, both physically and mentally. I am pregnant, but over the past few months, I have not been treating my body correctly. I have been forcing myself to vomit after meals, I began to self harm, and I have fallen into a depressive state. I barely even wanted to leave my house to come finalize this situation. With that being said, I have decided to enroll myself in a six month rehabilitation program that will help me respect myself again."

"In three months, you are supposed to be giving birth to your child. Will you raise it in the facility?"

McKenzie looked back over her shoulder for a second. "No, I will not. I have some amazing friends that will be taking care of my baby for the first three months of his or her life. With frequent visits of course."

Tom smiled. Although he was not mentioned by name, he appreciated being called amazing. The least he could do to help McKenzie out was take care of her child while she got better. The only time she ever seemed happy was when she was with him. That was flattering as well, but he wanted to see her happy all the time just like she used to be before all this mess happened.

McKenzie looked back again and nodded once. Her body guards flanked her sides again and her posse began to walk with her to her limo. The reporters continued to shout questions, but McKenzie had no intention of answering them. Thankfully, there hadn't been many about the actual trial because those always got her when Ted gave her practice questions back in the courthouse. 

"You did great out there," Ted congratulated once the limo began to pull away with everyone in it. The bodyguards had not joined, but Devon, Ashley, Tom and McKenzie all sat in the back with the lawyer.

"Thanks." McKenzie rested her head on Tom's shoulder. No one knew they were dating - although Devon had a hunch -, but this action could just be seen as a much needed headrest after a long day. "I don't know if I can handle another seven hour day."

"You can do it. Tomorrow will be easy. Final witnesses, some extra pictures of your beatings, the security footage from your house, and story of how he was provoked, which was touched upon today." Ted glanced at Tom. He looked away and Ted went back to his conversation with McKenzie. "If you survived today, tomorrow will be a cake walk."

"I'll take your word for that."

"Then you will be taken away to some fancy-smancy rehabilitation center in the suburbs for the next six months and everything will be great. You'll give birth and life will continue as if none of this had ever happened."

"Hoo-ray." McKenzie twirled her index finger in a circle. "Not to be rude, guys, but I would really love a nap right now so..."

"Feel free to use my shoulder as long as you need," Tom assured. 

He felt McKenzie smile as she shut her eyes. The others in the car began to talk in hushed tones about how much they thought Jeff would be charged in the end, but Tom just looked adoringly at his girlfriend. She was tough and she deserved some rest after this mess. He kissed her head when no one was looking and then joined in the conversation.

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