Chapter 5: Reunited

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McKenzie sat shaking in Gino's East pizza, looking around anxiously and chomping on her gum like all those annoying girls from high school. Maybe he would decide not to come. It was 12:13, after all, and they had agreed to meet at 12. Oh, McKenzie hoped that he didn't show up. She had already decided that if Tom didn't show by 12:20, she would leave. Not even song writing distracting her from her nerves like it always did. Right now, McKenzie wouldn't be surprised if this song was even allowed to be recorded. It was probably the worst thing ever written in the music industry as a whole, and that was saying a lot considering Ke$ha was part of the music industry. She checked her phone again: 12:19.

Quickly, she gathered up her blank sheet music and shoved it in her satchel, ready to leave. Tom had been the one to set this up and now he didn't even show up. McKenzie was obviously happy about this, but a bit of her was also pretty pissed off. What happened to British men being gentlemen? Gentlemen didn't make plans with busy, married women and then end up not showing up without any explanation. It didn't matter anyways. McKenzie had a doctor's appointment at 2:30 and if Tom showed up at this point she would be late.

McKenzie dug through her bag to try and find her phone that had been thrown in there with the sheet music, when she bumped into someone. She was about to apologize profusely, but when she looked up, the words got caught in her throat and she just stood there with her mouth gaping open and letting out a little gasping noise every now and then.

"Consider us even now," Tom smiled. McKenzie still couldn't find the right words to say. "Leaving so soon?"

"Uh... no, no! I was going outside to call you. This place has horrible cell reception," lied McKenzie.

"Well, I'm here now. Did  you get a table?"

"Yeah, it's upstairs." 

McKenzie just pointed but didn't move. Tom looked at her, raising his eyebrows. He could see her shaking, but didn't want to point it out. So far he hadn't been hit, so maybe he wouldn't be at all. "Are you going to show it to me?"

"Oh, right, duh!" McKenzie laughed nervously, hitting her forehead with her palm. "Come on."

As soon as she turned her back on Tom, McKenzie made a face at herself. Why was she being such an idiot? She didn't even act like this when they were teenagers. Now, she always surrounded herself with celebrities and they loved her... usually. Just last week she had met Leonardo DiCaprio at a party and had acted completely normal. Why couldn't that happen now?

"Here we go." Luckily, no one had seen her leave and none of the staff had begun to clean up the table.


Tom sat down and McKenzie quickly did the same, taking a sip of her Diet Coke that was still sitting there. Tom watched her, but didn't focus on her face so much as her hand and her wedding ring. It was absolutely massive. McKenzie noticed, set down her drink, and moved her left hand to under the table, keeping the right one in view. Tom raised his eyes to look at her.

"You don't need to hide your ring, McKenzie."

"I'm not hiding it."

"How comfortable are you right now with your arms like that?"

"Not very..."

Tom smirked and McKenzie moved her arm back onto the table. Tom instantly reached for it. At first, McKenzie thought he was trying to hold her hand then remembered 1) he had a girlfriend and 2) the ring didn't exactly hold the smallest diamond in the world.

"It's very nice," he examined. "Jeffry, right?" McKenzie nodded. "He looked nice from what I saw of him at the Movie Awards."

"Yeah, he's awesome - the best guy I could have ever asked for."

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