Chapter 22: Decisions, Decisions

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"Just weeks after his break up with long-term girlfriend Jade Olivia, Tom Felton was spotted in Miami with a new mystery girl."

McKenzie smiled a little bit as Shaun Robinson of Access Hollywood reported the latest scandal of the barely started new year. She felt Tom chuckle a bit, his arms wrapped around her and holding her close enough where she could rest her head on his shoulder. This had become the routine - get home just in time for Access, cuddle on the couch, and laugh at the nonsense spoken about them. McKenzie's still secretive location had gotten to be old news at this point, but the idea that Tom Felton had started 'dating' someone new when everyone thought he was holding out for McKenzie captured a lot of attention. Little did the public know it was actually McKenzie who had joined him on vacation, wearing a surplus of oversized clothes while out.

McKenzie didn't know how much longer she could keep up the charade as Gwen, though. She was beginning to get annoyed with her wig and the problems it was causing her scalp, she hated having a bigger nose even if just for a few hours, and the whole idea of Tom being with a woman other than McKenzie was giving him a lot of hate. Fangirls just didn't understand. Of course the knew that McKenzie would divorce Jeff and that kept their hopes high, no one knew when though. 

When McKenzie posted a picture of her facial injuries and various other bruises the day after new year's, making sure to turn off all possible locaters attached to the tweet and Instagram post, she had received immediate attention. There had become such a drive to find her that she had actually deleted the posts just thirty minutes after putting them on the internet. But that's all that she needed; she needed them to stay on the internet. People needed to see what had happened to her and why she had disappeared. She also needed to show people she was not, in fact, dead. After seeing Tom's reaction at the party, McKenzie realized that thought could have been a common one among her friends and fans. But now everyone knew and there had been multiple showings on Access, Extra, and E! News about Jeff and his abusive behavior. Turns out he had been arrested before for getting in bar fights. She had no idea. Devon had broken the news in an interview.

"The pair were spotted on the beach, cuddling with each other on the lounge chairs, enjoying a few drinks, and taking some jet skis out for some fun," Shaun continued. "There is no proof that the two are actually an item, but it sure looks like a positive. Kim Kardashian -"

Tom grabbed the TV remote and shut the nonsense about Kim's still on-going divorce to Kris Humphries. Didn't she know there were better celebrities getting divorced now? Celebrities much like the one he held in his arms. 

"Well, now that we know where we stand in the world of celebrity gossip, come here."

McKenzie giggled as Tom laid her on her back and got on top of her, ready to kiss her. They loved the feeling of being able to be with each other and feel absolutely no guilt about it. Of course, Tom was slightly more single than McKenzie since her divorce had only been filed and not exactly finalized yet, but the idea of never having to be with Jeffry again made her feel just as single as her new boyfriend.

"Please don't," Rob piped up from the chair next to the couch, not even looking up from his laptop but somehow timing his words perfectly. Tom's lips had just begun to brush against McKenzie's.

"You jealous?" McKenzie joked, giving Tom a little push while he sat himself back up. She pulled her shirt over her distended stomach and sat up as well. This time, Tom's arm draped over the back of the couch rather than around McKenzie's back.

"I have a girlfriend, thank you. I would just appreciate it if you would refrain from all the lovey-dovey stuff while I am sitting in the same room. And right next to you, might I add."

"Would you rather we move to the bedroom?" Tom asked, a smirk appearing ever so slowly.

"Yes, because I wouldn't know what you two were doing in there at all." Sarcasm dripped from Rob's voice.

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