So yesterday was weird. So their was a school dance and all my friends were going so I thought why not so we all went. Nothing can go wrong right?I WAS TOTALLY WRONG!!!!!! So it was the last period of school before the dance and my friends were like you look so pretty and my guy friend
was like " ya their right your pretty " I'm like //o/////o// (blush).then it was dance time :) side note I can't dance. So he be like I can show you how to dance..... I didn't reply at all. I feel bad for him :(. But then we had a moment were I was next to him and sitting with him. A guy named Anthony thoughts was his girlfriend so he gut his hand and puts it
on my shoulder.ya we ended up having a 2 minute slow dance and it was the closest I ever been to a guy ........ IT WAS AWKWARD!!!! We said our good byes and ya so this is pinkieshy2700 out.

A Book of My Weird and Akward Life
Randoma rant book about me (pinkieshy2700) and my thoughts. Hope you enjoy I might. regret this. :)