This is me in a young age CRAKERS!!!! I LOOK LIKE A NERD!!!! I think this is forth grade me so I look really ugly, and I still am. I cut my bangs like in in the middle of 7th grade ,then I stopped wearing skirts In 6the grade. This is Pinkieshy2700 out

A Book of My Weird and Akward Life
Randoma rant book about me (pinkieshy2700) and my thoughts. Hope you enjoy I might. regret this. :)
This is me in a young age CRAKERS!!!! I LOOK LIKE A NERD!!!! I think this is forth grade me so I look really ugly, and I still am. I cut my bangs like in in the middle of 7th grade ,then I stopped wearing skirts In 6the grade. This is Pinkieshy2700 out