I know I haven't been updating sooo to be more specific on my friend relationship here is the next bog thing that is going on. Long story short, I was again asked out ummm their is a sort of love triangle going on between me my guy friend and my friend. So Ya you can see were this is going so I really want to say yes, but then if I do then I lose two friends but then again they both the aren't my bff's they never say what I want to say only when I am upset is when they know they have to ask. there just f's and I maybe known as a loner in class. If I say no then I will lose an opportunity for the third Time and then my friend has a bigger advantage than I do Soooo Ya this is so far what's going on. This is Pinkieshy2700.

A Book of My Weird and Akward Life
Разноеa rant book about me (pinkieshy2700) and my thoughts. Hope you enjoy I might. regret this. :)