the coffee shop

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yeah mate what do you wanna talk about. he says trying to fix his hair back into his perfict quif.

How do you feel about hannah? harry asked smiling

I think shes really pretty and I find her interesting. zayn said smiling. why?

I just wanted to know if you liked her mate.

Wait does she like me?

Now your catching on, haha, yes mate she likes you.

Wow never thought she would like me.

Well zayn what are you waiting for, call her!!!!!

Well i would harry but shes probably asleep. i mean its 1:10. ill go to her house tomorrow and talk to her.

True, well mate i guess you better go get your rest.

~~~~~~~~~Next Morning~~~~~~~

Zayns POV

Okay its 9:00 I think she will be up. I"ll drive to her house and see if shes up.

*20 minute car ride*

Okay im here, Deep breaths Zayn Deep breaths. I walk to her door and i knock. A voice from in side yelled come in. I open the door wondering why she would tell someone to come in when she doesnt know who it is? Hannah comes around the corner.

Oh, hey Zayn, Harry told me you were coming. she said smiling

Yeah i wanted to ask you a question. i said kinda hesitantly

Yeah whats up.

Well Harry told me you were going on holiday with us so.......*long pause* i wanted to know if you would stay in my room, i mean we dont have very many rooms so..... she came up to me,

Yes, Zayn i would love to. she said smiling and with pinkness rushing to her cheeks

Cool, hey are you doing anything tonight. i said hoping she wouldn't.

Nope, all im doing today is going to get coffee with Mia. she said with a sweet voice.

Cool, I'll pick you up at 8:30? i said smiling

Ok see you then. she said then kissed my cheek, which made me blush.

hmm, well i better go. i said scratching the back of my neck.

umm im sorry i was out of line. i need to go catch up with mia. come on. she walked us out of the house. i grabed her arm before she locked the door. Spins her around and kisses her.

Dont be sorry love. i said she blushed bright red. Shes the only one that has been so calm around me. She hugs me, taking me from my thoughts, i hug her back.

well i need to go Mia is probably waiting for me. i need to go. she says turning away and locking the door. I'll see you later ok. she says smiling. She hugs me again then leaves.

~~~~~~~~coffee shop~~~~~~~~~

Hannahs POV

Hey Mia glad you could come. i said cheerfully

Hey, Hannah, why so happy? she said

Oh well before i came here, Zayn came bye. i said and i blushed remembering what happened before i left.

OMG, what did he say?

Well he asked me if i wanted to sleep in his room when we go on holiday with the boys and he asked if i had anything to do tonight, but be for he left we kissed. i said smiling and blushing automatically.

Ohh someone is really happy. haha. soooo you have a date tonight? OMG Wait what do you mean WE go on holiday with the boys?

Yeah, im so excited, and harry asked me if we would go on holiday with them and I said yes, because i dont want to go by myself. i said holding info.

O cool. Hey if your with Zayn, Who am i gonna stay with?

I figured you could stay with harry at the holiday house with us. I didnt think you would mind?

O okay is that all we need to talk about?

Nope not quite.

Then what else needs to be said?

Well you like Harry, right?

Yeah, but what does it matter.

Well because he likes you too! i said with a big smile.

What no way, but why hasn't he said anything before I mean, I wish he would said something.

Well he didn't know how you felt and he didn't want to get hurt.

Hannah I would never hurt him.

I know Mia. So whatch out fo the next time you see him. 

Im still shocked. 

Why your perfect for each other. 


No prob.. Lets go to our place and watch a movies. then you can help me get ready for my date. 

Sounds fun, OMG we gotta call Mary. 

Well we can call her later lets go. i said smiling. Mia and I walked to our house. I cant wait to call Harry and tell him. Plus I have to call Mary, wow. 

Hey Mia imma call Harry 

Okay, Ill call Mary. 

~~~~~~~~~~Phone call with harry~~~~~~

Hey Harry, Guess what.

What, what, what. he said being funny.

Mia said she likes you too.

Really!?!?!?!?!?!?! OMG im so glad.

Yeah, In my opinion.... I would ask her before we go on holiday.

Well how should i ask her?

Take her pn a picnic. Shell love it.

Sounds nice. What should I bring?

Tosted sandwiches and salt and viniguar chips are her favorite.

That actually doesnt sound half bad.

Yeah well i wish you the best of luck. now Mia and I are going to watch a movie and then go to the mall so i can get something for my date tonight.

All right ill call her later then and congrats on the date.

Ok, and thanks ill call you later and tell you how it went.

Alright bye


~~~~~~End of phone conv.~~~~~~~

So what movie do you wanna watch Mia? And did you call Mar yet? 

I tryed but she didnt answer. But lets watch Pitch Perfect. 

well that sucks and i Should have guessed.

ok ill get the popcorn.

its on the top shelf of the pantry. 

i know 

Well while Mia was making the popcorn I started started the movie. I let it run through the previews of other movies and I hurd the door bell ring. Who could that be? 

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