The conversation with Harry

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Hi, my name is Hannah. I am 24 and I am just getting out of college. I've been friends with One Direction since I was a senior in high school. Harry and I are really close. we tell each other everything.Like if there is something wrong with us we can tell instantly. Now my friend Mary is practically engaged to Niall, Liam is dating Katie, Harry has a crush on Mia, and i have a huge crush on Zayn.

                                                  Chapter 1: Can you go on holiday with us?

Hannah's POV

*phone rings*

"Hello?" i said, it was harry's caller ID but with them you never know. Louis could have taken his phone and locked himself in his room. Sounds crazy but he does it all the time not just harry's all of the boys phones are fair game. 

"hey,  Hannah its Harry." he said. He sounded happy so i guess he was in a good mood. 

"Hey Harry, i thought it was Lou again." i said laughing

  "haha yeah, we are trying to figure out why he does that. But anyway i wanted to ask if you and Mia would go on holiday with us love." he said cheerfully

"I dont know, maybe. lol" i said laughing

"Oh please, please,please love ." he said jokingly

"Ok, ok, you twisted my arm. Now that i think about it i do need a break for a while. I'll ask Mia tomorrow when we go for coffee. When are you wanting to go?" I said

"Yay, and I really hope she comes and its June 7th" he said 

" Ok, i hope she can too. but lets talk about something off the topic." i said thinking he knew where i was going with this. 

"Um ok, whats on your mind?"he said curious about what i was talking about 

" Well we have to talk about this Mia thing, you gotta ask her out sometime and i think now would be  a good time to ask her out, with the holiday and all." i said 

"The Mia thing? Um well what if she doesnt like me? You know i dont take rejection well." he said worried 

"I know, but i do you a favor. I will talk to her tomorrow at the cafe." I said. In all honesty he needs someone and i think Mia is the right one for him.

"Really????? Are you sure? I dont want to make you do something you dont want to do."he said 

"Yeah, I mean what are besties for." I said happy he would let me ask Mia.

"Just for you, because you are such an amazing best friend im going to do something fantastic for you." he said 

"Really? Like what?" i said extremely curious

"Well you remember when you told me you liked my mate Zayn?" he said 

"Yeah, I remember and i still do but why?" i said . Ok I am a blonde so im a bit slow and i do have lots of blonde moments, but haters gonna hate. haha 

"Well I'm going to hook you up." he said knowing my reaction. he could pratically hear the smile on my face. 

"REALLY!!!!!!!!!!!! YOU WOULD BE THE MOST AMAZING FRIEND EVER!!!!!!!!!!!!" I said. I had a tendency to yell when I got excited. No biggie right? 

"Haha. yeah well you are a great friend." he said

"Thank you. you are too. I don't know what it would be like if I had never met you. 

Alright ill talk to you later love.

Okay bye harry. End call.

*Hannahs pov* 

After the call i looked at the clock its already 12:32 dang. I plug my phone in and head to bed i wonder what tommorrow will bring.

Harry POV


I didnt do anything Louis said.


I grabed Zayn before he could jump on Louis. 

Come on mate let me at him i can get him to break Zayn spoke..

UHHHH no Liams already asleep if you wake him he'll kill you, besides we need to talk.


Authers note let us know what you think. Like what it needs.



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