I personally think this is really cute.
Again, if you've got The Demigod Files, and you've read Percy Jackson and the Bronze Dragon, you'll see what I mean.
I know I said it was Selena/Charles but it has many Percy/Charles aspects as well.
'He'd been working on a secret weapon for the two of us- bronze chameleon armor, enchanted to blend into the background. If we stood in front of rocks, our breastplates, helms, and shields turned grey. If we stood in front of bushes, the metal changes to a leafy green. It wasn't true invisibility, but we'd have pretty good cover, at least from a distance.
"This stuff took forever to forge," Beckendorf warned me "Don't mess it up!"
"You got it, Captain."
Beckendorf grunted. I could tell he liked being called "captain".'He made special chameleon armor for Percy...
Percy gave him a nick name....
Pretty damn cute, in my opinion. Looks like a good ship.
I ship it, Percy Jackson style
FanfictionDo you ship it? DO YOU REALLY????????? Well, I do. Some of them anyway. This is a book full of my opinions on ships from Percy Jackson. My opinions, not yours. But feel free to flame me! Lol, no, don't do that, but you can hate on my a little bit...