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Richards POV
   I got all my things out of my locker and meet Roy by his locker sense he road to school with me. "Can you explain why the (Richard got excited with the use of words) ---- you were flirting with Kori?!?!" Richard asked with a ticked sound in his voice. " Why do you give a crap you don't even have a crush on her or you do but ether way you shouldn't care!" Roy yelled "YOU HAVE A CRUSH ON JENN THOUGH!!!" Richard yelled witch got everyone's attention in the hall. "How about I tell Kori you have a crush on her I bet that would get her creeped out!" Roy yelled. Richard walked of to his car. "Yeah, run from me because I'm right!" Roy yelled. "Shut the ---- up would you!!" Richard screamed as he ran up to Roy and punched him square in the noes. And he left with Roy on the floor holding his broken noes. Richard got in his car and drove off.
  Once he got home his phone rang. Kori. The beautiful red head. "Hey Richard!!" She greeted him. "Hey" Richard answers kind of down sounding. "Richard are you ok?" "Oh yeah I'm ok." He answered. "Hey what are you doing right now?" She asked him. "Uh nothing you want to hangout?" I asked. "Yeah do you thing we should invite Ro-" "NO!" He yelled. " Sorry I didn't mean to- sorry." "It's ok are you sure your ok? We're do you wait to go?" They had chosen to go to the pizza place two blocks from Kori's house.
   When I got to the pizza place Kori looked really ticked. "What the ---- is wrong with you??" She screamed into her phone. Richard stood still in disbelief Kori didn't seem like the kind of person to have that kind of mouth. "What's wrong?" I asked her. "Did you her me?" She asked in fear. "Uh yeah what's wrong." "Roy" she told me "What did he do?" Richard asked with a strong sound his voice and stiffened. "He told me what happened to you guys in the hallway." She said with tears in her eyes. "Ok, but why are you crying" "Because you guy were fighting because of me." " Kori Anders it's not your fault." Richard informed her quickly.
   The hangout thing was fun until, "I have a question Richard. Do you actually have a crush on me?" She asked looking almost hopeful. "Oh Uh I don't know." I answered slowly and rubbing my neck. "Do you like me?" She smirked. And I blushed then she kissed me on the lips quickly almost like a peck but a second longer. After that she blushed and I pulled her in for a kiss but got interrupted by a car horn ween we were walking across the street. "PG 13 please!" Someone yelled at the to teens. They both blushed and Kori and Richard went back to there houses.

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