The news?

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TIME SKIP!!-----
Kori's POV
Today was was the last day of the week and I was getting ready and Komi surprised me by driving Ryan to school and Roy was driving down to the apartments to pick me up! He called me before I fully woke up. He picked me up. "Hey do you want to come to a concert later tonight my friends are coming to you can meet them." "Cool I'll be there are you picking me up or do I need to drive?" I asked him. "I'll pick you up!" He told me quickly and then he blushed. We got to school and he walked in with me. "Hey Richard!" I called to Richard and I'm pretty sure he smirked to Roy.  Later at lunch I sat between Roy and Richard. They both trying to keep me from looking at the other. "So Roy how are things with Jade?" Richard looks up and smirks. "What?" "Oh you haven't told Kori?" Richard asked and put his hand around me. "You guys are acting really weird." I told them and got up and walked off.
"Hey Kori!" Karen said as I left the cafeteria. "Hey, what's up?" Kori asked. Karen smiled really big. "Well you'll be!!" "Huh?" I asked in confusion. "Well your going to be a flyer!" Karen said and hugged me really tight. "Oh my goodness I never thought I would have made it!" I said and hugged her back. Raven and Garfield walked up to us in the hall and I told them.
After school I was getting dressed to go to the concert. When Roy pulled in I just had to put on my shoes. I was wearing a purple crop top with a silver skirt that went to my née caps. With my hair in a messy bun and slippers. Komi walked into my room and looked at me for a long time. "Where the ---- you think your going? And don't bring a drunk guy home." "Well I'm going to a concert and he doesn't drink." I told her and walked out. "Oh is it that cute guy with black hair? He was calling a couple of minutes ago."
I got into Roy's car and we drove to the concert. "This is Wally, Jenn and Jade. And guys this is Kori." Roy explained to everyone. And we all walked in talking to one another. "Hey guys thanks for coming out there's refreshments and food out side if y'all need them." The guy on stage yelled out to the crowd. "Where's Roy?" Kori asked Wally. "I think he went to get some beer." He told her. "BEER!" I yelled. "He's not even old enough to drink!" "He got back and handed Jade a glass and had two more. "Hey do you want some?" Roy asked with beer breath. "No I don't drink." I told him as he handed me one. "Oh come on it won't kill you." He said to me trying to get me to take it. "I'm good... And it can kill you. I probably should drive you home." "Oh my gosh just drink the thing!" He said and came close to me. "I told you I'm good!" I told him as he grabbed my hand and wouldn't let go. "Let go of me Roy or I'll get someone that will do something about it." I told him. After that Roy slapped me across the face. "Roy I know your doing this because your drunk but you need to stop!" I said with a tear going down my face. "Roy get your ---- hands off of her now!" Richard told him as he approached. Roy pushed me down on the ground as he walked toward Richard. "Or what?" He pushed on Richards shirt. Richard swung at Roy and hit him in the gut. And Roy grabbed his fast before he could hit Roy again. He trusted his arm and twisted his arm behind his back trying to brake it. I got up and kicked Roy in his butt and he turned around and I punched him in the face hard. Roy got back up and Richard grabbed him before he could touch me and he had him in a head lock and I walked over to Roy and got down to his level. "If you ever touch me again. Well I hope you can run fast. "I told him and slapped him where he slapped me and I got Richard up and we left.
  The next morning Komi woke me up and insisted that I watch the tv.
  "Yes, Sam. Three teens were in a fight last night. We have some information on it Bill," "Yes ma'am a boy by the name of Roy had tried to get a miner to drink. Her name was Kori Anders. After refusing many times he slapped her in the face. And a young man we think that is her boyfriend Richard Grayson stepped up a told him to stop. Roy through Kori on the ground and started a fight with Richard. Richard punched him in the stomach and Roy grabbed his hand and twisted his arm behind his back and then Kori bravely kicked Roy in his butt and punched him. But Richard grabbed him and put Roy in a head lock and Kori said something to him and slapped him back. More news about that at 5. Carol."
  "----! You didn't tell me that happened you came home with Richard and fell asleep." Komi said. "Where is he?" "Oh I told him to sleep in your bed." Komi said and pointed to the bed. "With me?! That means I slept with a boy. And your okay with it?" I asked her and walked into my room.
   Richard was so cute ween he was asleep. I thought sense I was in my pj pants and a tank top I would pull my hair out of my ponytail and brush my teeth. After that I cooked breakfast and realized that Richard was still asleep. "Hey." I said in a hushed tone I put my hand though his hair and pulled the covers over my stomach. "Hey. Kori" he said and I smiled at the guy that was laying down next to me. "Holy ---- I slept with you I'm so sorry your sister told me to sleep in here and I didn't know you were here because it was so dark and I don't want you to think I'm a p-" I cut Richard off ween I slammed into his lips. I put my hands in his hair and he grabbed my back and pulled me closer and we kissed each other for what seemed like forever. "Kori I really like you." Richard told me after. "I really like you too!" I told him and he kissed me again.
  "Yuck you guys are nasty!" My brother Ryan said and we stopped. "What are you doing in here?" I asked him. "Well I knew he was here but I didn't know you guys were having sex!" Ryan said. "Ryan!" I said. And he ran out. "That would be nice." Richard said to me as I got out of bed. "Oh shut up!" "So, does this mean we're dating babe?" Richard asked as he cased after me. "I guess so!" I said and kissed him. "You probably should put on a shirt or my sister would start flirting with you." I told him. "What why? I think I look great!" "I do to." I said and smiled at him and gave him the shirt.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 25, 2016 ⏰

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