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*Not Edited*

"OH MY GOD ASH THANK YOU SO MUCH!" Sammi yells. We just pulled up to a stop light in my red JEEP Cherokee so I rolled down my windows as I gave Sammi her gift. "I know that you told me that you didn't need anything but I wanted to get this for you so when we are apart, even though that is SUPER rare, we can Facetime, tweet, and do everything we do so much faster!" I reply. "But how will my parents afford this, I had that basic messenger phone before because of the expenses," she said with a worried look in her eyes. "Trust me Sammi! I have already called your parents and let them know; now you are on my plan with me. All you have to do is help me pay a little every other month with the special plan I got... Now all we need are super cute matching cases," I say with a reassuring smile as I start to drive towards Sammi's house. "Thank you so much for everything Ash! I love ya girl, Facetime me when you get home ok?" she says "Of course! I am gonna do a Twit cam on the computer with Louis so make sure to say hi, bye!" I say wishing she could stay over.

*Back at home*

"LOUIS!!!" I yell "WHAT???" he replies. "NEVERMIND!" I yell back. I run upstairs and grab my laptop from my room, I run across the wide hallway of the house and rapidly knock on my oldest sister Katie's door any she quickly opens the door for me and sits on the huge bed. "What little turd squash?" she asks giggling, I chuckle at her nickname for me. I quietly get up and close the door, "I know Louis birthday is tomorrow so I bought him an iphone5! I can't believe it is already here!" I squeak out quietly because his room is next door. I take the phone out of my purse and show Katie what I can do with my money. I smile showing her that I already downloaded Louis favorite games and songs. "I bought him the Macbook air and iTunes and App Store gift cards." Katie states proudly. "Wow Katie! That must've been super expensive!" I say knowing that Louis would love his presents! "So, do you know what mum and dad are going to get Louis?" I ask Katie thinking that she would know. "Nope. I have no clue, they won't tell me anything!" she said, her voice full of anger. "We will just have to wait like Louis then." I say feeling more responsible than my older sister. "Let's stash these gifts in ur room Kat, then head over into Louis room and get onto the Twit cam," I announce excitedly knowing that Louis will be facetimeing the boys but what I am really excited about is seeing the gorgeous, one and only, Niall James Horan. He is so sweet, nice, gorgeous, beautiful, talented and perfect. His little things make him, well, him and he is perfect the way he is no matter what happens. (Kat is my nickname for Katie) I give the present, in its box, to Katie to hide. She hides them in a box under the bed and we both stand up. We walk over to Louis room, Kat looks at me and nods, I shove open the door and the weirdest thing is going on.

*Louis' POV*

"HAHAHAHAHAHA!" I cackle, I got home super early and I am sneaking the boys into my house so we don't have to facetime on the Twit cam, that would just be weird, I didn't even think about this but the girls are gonna freak out. I froze in my tracks, "THE GIRLS! OH NO, OH NO, OH NO!" I screamed "Whoa, Lou calm down don't go girl attack on us. What about the girls is so bad?" Niall asks with a hint of worry in his voice. "OH CRAP!" I scream out, at this point the whole world could hear me! "The girls were going to do the Twit cam with me, you guys on facetime and Ash was gonna- and Kat was gonna- and then I was gonna tell Ash that she got the gig as our dancer and- OH NO!" I started to have a panic attack. I was hyperventilating and sweating and shaking and I fell. I was on the floor and suddenly everything went black...

Niall's POV

We walked up Louis' driveway and into the house so no fans would catch us I kinda zoned out because I was thinking about Louis sister Ashley, she is so perfect! I guess Zayn or Liam made a funny joke cuz next thing I know Louis is cackling like a witch... I love when he cackles because it sounds so hilarious and the only time he does is when he is around us... I love Louis! He is so hilarious and sometimes he can be really girly, I think it is because of BOTH his sisters. What is going on, why is Lou screaming? "Whoa, Lou calm down don't go girl attack on us. What about the girls is so bad?" I ask feeling kinda worried.

"OH CRAP!" Screams Lou, I don't know what is going on but, all of a sudden he, looks really sweaty, and drops to the floor.

Liam's POV

Zayn just made the funniest pun ever! Ha-ha! Louis is cackling, that sounds so funny, kinda sounds like a witch now that I think about it. Hmmmm... "Whoa is there a witch in here? Beware witch, I have a cross and my spit to melt you!' I yell out laughing so hard that I can't breathe. Next thing I know Lou drops to the floor, "WHAT DO I DO?!?!?!?!?!" I scream out.

Louis' POV

"What happened lads?" I ask sheepishly. "The last thing I remember is being in the kitchen and now I'm in my bed with a cold rag on my forehead with you stalkerish lads staring at me!" I yell out, my head throbbing in pain. "OWWWWW!" I whimper. "It's OK Lou, we carried you up here because you passed out in the kitchen. Your forehead was bleeding so I put the cold rag on there to make it stop and not scab over because of the photo shoot tomorrow, I know how mad Simon would be if you didn't look perfect as usual," Harry explained to me, he sounded so calm. "Louis? Babe?" I heard a female voice say. "Eleanor? When did you get here babe? I'm fine just give me a sec I hit my head kinda hard." I say trying to keep my precious girlfriend calm because when she cries, I feel guilty and cry too.

*Time skips to when Ashley and Katie open the door*

*Louis POV*

"Dani, El, Perrie?" I ask with a joking tone, the lads are off in the wash room. " Want to play a prank on the lads?" I ask. "SURE!!!" the ladies reply in unison "What should we do?" Perrie questions me vigorously. "Well I was thinking that when they walk in the door, we water balloon them," I say laughing maniacally. " How would we get the water balloons? They are in the wash room," the girls ask. "I always come prepared!" I grab my water balloon stash and put the bucket behind us on my bed. "Zayn! Liam! Harry! Niall!" They yell. "Coming!" the lads reply. "I hear footsteps! Get ready!" I whisper. "Oh we're ready!" Perrie replies.

"Yes?" the lads ask as they come through the door. "GET 'EM!!!" we scream. Water balloons are flying everywhere once the boys get a hold of the stash, next thing I know, Ash and Kat are at the door with their mouths gaping wide open. Ash puts down her phone and laptop outside of my room, drags Kat in and they grab water balloons too! "My room is a wet mess!!!" I scream looking around as soon as we all calm down. "All of you have to help me clean this up!"I yell starting to laugh at how serious I am being.

Hey guys! I know that Ash hasn't gotten the results to the dance crew thing yet but beware of chapter 4! It will have drama it and it will have a very suspenseful ending! I might not be able to write as frequently do to my schedule but when I do expect the chapters to be long! Remember to Comment, rate, add, and recommend my story. Don't forget to comment if you are reading because I can't see the names of the users reading...

Thanks so much!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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