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I did double updates, make sure you read & vote on the last chapter before you read & maybe vote on this one.


The rest of the day passed in a blur, and I returned home, exhausted and with my hands full of shopping bag. I went straight to kitchen and drank some water, it felt so good to just sit down on the couch and relax after such a hectic day.

I bough two pizzas on my way home saving myself the embarrassment of another failed cooking attempt.

Yeah... I can only drop food on myself or better yet set the kitchen on fire.

As my mouth watered with the anticipation of the cheesy delight, he entered the kitchen and sat down on the opposite chair. I pushed the second pizza towards him, because as mush as I hate him, letring him starve is not am option not a humane one anyway, besides I don't like him eying my food while I try to relish it.

Even though I have an apetite of an elephant, I cam work with only one pizza for tonight.

His face was blank as stretched out his hand to take the box. Our hands happened to touched under the box and quickly drew back mine like I was on fire.

He started eating without a word.

Such an arrogant prick, can't even thank me. I did just gave away my one true love to him!!!

So we ate dinner in silence, avoiding any eye contact, like the other person doesn't exist. Although I did catch him sneeking a glance towards my face when he thought I wasn't looking, but he was quick to look away when he realised that I was.

I finished my food and just as I was about to get up from the table, he spoke up,

"Ah, um I..... its dads birthday tomorrow, I would... I mean he would like it if you could come." He stammered.

"Tom already invited me and he is important to me too. So, of course I'm coming." I replied.

A faint smile reached his lips but he was quick to cover it up.

I picked my plate and stood up.

After changing into my pyjamas as soon as I got into my bed, I heard a knock on the door, and my heart beat accelerated.

Seriously? I asked my inner thirteen year old.

"Come in, " I said as I tried to compose myself.

He came in and my eyes immediately went to the box in his hands. Alright my eyes first went to his face and then to the box.

It was wrapped with a purple gifting paper and light purple ribbon. Purple being my favourite colour, for a moment a part of me hoped that the gift was for me, but I have enough experience with him to know that I will most likely be disappointed.

So when he extended it towards me, I expected it and I didn't.

"It's for you wearitattheparty" he said in one breath.

"what?" I asked frowning and also 50% sure my ears have been damaged.

"It's for you, wear it at the party, Dad asked Kate to buy it. It's his welcome back present." Well that explained my favourite colour and I love both of them for it.


"Okay." and with that he shut the door, looking all weird, like he did, whenever he lied to me

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